Bet you all have wondered how "...And Justice for All" would sound with bass guitar.

Yes, I've wondered that for a long time. I'll listen when I get home. The complete lack of bass doens't bother me as much as Cliff's buried solos on the first three albums though.

"Call of Ktulu has a bass solo!?!?"
--everyone in the world because they can't hear it.
To save you the bother in clicking on the link...


Sorry, folks -- but the bandwidth's all gone for now. I'll look for a new provider, and I'll set up a redirect once everything's settled.

Erik got that link from me and I got it from the testament forum and the guy who posted it there got it from somewhere else. Still, I am the one who rules. Erik's got my AJFA CD at the moment, too, but I can manage with the double LP
I actually like listening to it on vinyl better. I wish I still had it on vinyl. :ill:

I just got through watching the making of the black album on dvd, and the interviews with Jason were really interesting. All of the interviews were done after S&M if I'm not mistaken.

Anyways, even James discusses it and you can tell it's an uncomfortable subject all the way around.

It's too bad they couldn't see it at the time.
I also like listening to it on vinyl better, but then I have to get up and change the side/record every two songs. The "don't move unless you have to"-argument wins in the length. I also have a 5-disc cd changer or wtf it's called, so when I go to bed or plan on listening to music for quite a while, I put 5 cds and two tapes in and also a nice lp in the record player, then I listen to one side of the lp, one side of each tape and then the five cds. That's nice, because I don't have to move for several hours if I've got enough candy and folk-beer (maximum 3.5%, the strongest you can buy in any store in Sweden except systembolaget)
Sorath said:
I also like listening to it on vinyl better, but then I have to get up and change the side/record every two songs. The "don't move unless you have to"-argument wins in the length. I also have a 5-disc cd changer or wtf it's called, so when I go to bed or plan on listening to music for quite a while, I put 5 cds and two tapes in and also a nice lp in the record player, then I listen to one side of the lp, one side of each tape and then the five cds. That's nice, because I don't have to move for several hours if I've got enough candy and folk-beer (maximum 3.5%, the strongest you can buy in any store in Sweden except systembolaget)

Now that's what I call full utilization and maximization of one's resources. :D
Hells yes, impressive use of three distinct mediums!

I don't even own (working) tape or record players anymore.
Thanks Erik. Listening to Blackened right now, it definitely sounds much more full. I'll burn it to CD and compare side by side later.
downloading now...phew, 40K/sec average...could be here for a while....

EDIT: make that 120k/s...might help if I don't go through my company firewall...d'uh

And why am I using so many -> ...... all of a sudden? Probably been reading too many demonspell and npearce posts. :loco: