Bet you all have wondered how "...And Justice for All" would sound with bass guitar.

Erik said:
Fan remastering... It not only enhances the bass but also the drums. Listen to the double bass runs in "Dyers Eve." Hmm. Listening to this on headphones I must say it is no doubt an improvement.
I know I'm late listening to this, but it's outstanding. Had to bump this thread just to say so... :Smug:

It also shows how non-creative the bass lines were, strictly following Hetfields rhythm guitar, but I guess the song material doesn't call for it.

Another part where the bass line truly shines is after the solo in the title track, where all the instruments start gathering together to reprise towards the main riff.

One more thing - the main intro riff to "Blackened"....can any of you other guitarists play it pretty tight? It's extremely difficult to play - always been one of those riffs that made him stand out so much...what a genius Hetfield once was.
JayKeeley said:
It also shows how non-creative the bass lines were, strictly following Hetfields rhythm guitar, but I guess the song material doesn't call for it.
Letting a riff be a riff is one thing, dumbing down your playing to the completely mundane and useless is another.
I think Hetfield/Ulrich must have forced that upon him. And if not them, then perhaps Flemming, the producer?

Thing that gets me is the write up for the Flotsam and Jetsam from Papa Josh, talking about Newsted if he was a Steve Harris fanatic. That shit gets me hard. I even air bass guitar to the style de Harris!

*drinks beer and points air bass guitar at crowd like machine gun* \m/ :heh: \m/
I haven't heard Flotsam and Jetsam since.... I dunno, it was a looooooong time ago, but nontheless, Newstead is one of the worst bassists in the history of the instrument. If his playing in F&J disproves that, show me.
You obviously haven't heard Doomsday for the Deceiver, or you weren't paying attention when you did. Newsted smokes on that album; he could easily outplay Burton. If he had continued to play like that, he'd be in everyone's favorite bassists list, but sadly Metallica sucked the life out of him. He had no say in Metallica, he was told what to play and Hetrich lowered the bass in the mix to "razz the new guy" according to an interview I saw. Still, AJFA kicks some serious ass. Does anyone have these files to send to me? Pretty please (the links didn't work for me).
Anyone feel like sending me a CD-R then? I don't really want to buy an album I have no interest in, but I'd still like to hear it for the bass work. :loco:

EDIT: Nevermind, just read Josh's review. Sounds like I need to pick that up.