

Nov 17, 2002
Detroit, MI
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If you haven't heard of Bethlehem I highly encourage you to get "Dictius Te Necare". Ive never heard such an insane and intense vocals in all EXTREME metal. Not in the lines of brutallity but just pure evil. If you choose to give them a listen you're better off just ordering the cd and taking my word for it. I doubt you'll find any mp3s, and as far as buying their cds in a music store, good luck. But if you have msn I will be willing to send you a few. If you have already heard Bethlehem what are your thoughts and opinions on this band?
I've heard a few songs and I agree with you on the vocals. Extremely tortured and wretched. Good stuff. I don't think the disc is too hard to find.

There was a pretty good interview with Bethlehem (or, the main guy behind the band) in a recent Metal Maniacs.
I own Dictius te Necare and the vocals on that disc are some of the most painful scream vocals I've ever heard. Very good doom metal with a heavy dose of black thrown in.

I can't listen to it too often though. It's really depressing.

NP: Bruce Dickinson - Accident of Birth
I got S.U.I.Z.I.D a few months back and it does have some pretty obscure/extreme vocals. I like it alot but it's a very painful listen. If ya like painful screams then I advise that you guys listen to ......In the Woods - Heart of the Ages!!!!!