Better sound 64 over 32 bits sometimes?


Apr 23, 2009
Guys, I experimented some sound improvement between 32 and 64 bit plugins. I know some of you may tell that it isn't right. A good example that I saw was a comparision between Brainworx' free Cleansweep 32 bits vs. the new 64 bits one. It is clearer how much better the 64 bit version sounds.
Sceptical. Print both and phase invert, tell us the results. Unless there's changes to the actual plugin itself beyond 64 bit support, I don't believe it should have any impact at all.
I'm not a 24 hs studio guy. I must work in other kind of things to get some money. I will try it when I get some time. Just want to say that with the same fx chain, just switching the same settings in the Brainworx Cleansweep between 32 and 64 bits, the 64 bit version sounds so much better, clearer and with less artifacts.