Anyone running Windows 7 64 bit?


Aug 29, 2006
Austin, TX
I just got a new comp with Windows 7 64 bit. I like the OS so far, but I'm noticing that my x86 VST plugins are using much more cpu than when I was running them in XP Pro. This is with the 64 bit version of Reaper. Getting lots of cracking/popping when running ampsims in stereo. Anyone else have similar issues?

Edit: After doing some research, I'm going to try installing the 32-bit version of Reaper. I think it may be the VST bridge thingy in Reaper that's sucking up CPU.
I installed the 32 bit version of Reaper, and now the same exact project is about %50 less CPU intensive than the same PC running Reaper 64 bit. This is just running a single track with TSS and HyBrit. Seems that the Reaper x86 bridge is a bit of a hog.
Not sure why - I'll have to load up Reaper and check (could be a bridging issue) as I have not seen this in Sonar (my usual DAW of choice.)
Not sure why - I'll have to load up Reaper and check (could be a bridging issue) as I have not seen this in Sonar (my usual DAW of choice.)

Have you compared Sonar 64 vs. 32? I think you would definitely see a difference if you were using 3rd party plugins consistently.