I'm not the only one though 
He ran his setup on Vista 64 without problems, and then updated to Windows 7 64 and got the same problems as I.
Despite my reply in the thread, I later found out the problem was still there, but more attenuated. Still unusable for live shows though: at least 50-75 dropouts during 30 minutes' timespan, with a project of just 8 audio tracks without FX, and three channels recording (guitar DI, ambience mic, and vocal split).

He ran his setup on Vista 64 without problems, and then updated to Windows 7 64 and got the same problems as I.
Despite my reply in the thread, I later found out the problem was still there, but more attenuated. Still unusable for live shows though: at least 50-75 dropouts during 30 minutes' timespan, with a project of just 8 audio tracks without FX, and three channels recording (guitar DI, ambience mic, and vocal split).