Win7 64-bit + Cubase 5: worse performance than WinXP+CubaseSX3?

I'm not the only one though :p

He ran his setup on Vista 64 without problems, and then updated to Windows 7 64 and got the same problems as I.

Despite my reply in the thread, I later found out the problem was still there, but more attenuated. Still unusable for live shows though: at least 50-75 dropouts during 30 minutes' timespan, with a project of just 8 audio tracks without FX, and three channels recording (guitar DI, ambience mic, and vocal split).
I like everything about windows 7, but I also notice a performance decrease compared to Vista when using the Windows Audio drivers/engine in Cubase.

I usually use ASIO4All now when I'm not running my Profire2626 instead of the windows stuff. But it's still not as good as it was.

I use Win7 64 bit and Cubase 32 bit.
Okay, I just installed Cubase 5.5 32-bit, and now I opened the *exact* same project that was at non-stop 100% ASIO on Cubase 5.5 64-bit. Well, the project is stable and stays at 25% ASIO :lol: It must have to do with the VSTBridge in the 64-bit Cubase that makes plugins use a shitload more CPU time, and somehow affects ASIO.

I guess I can live with the 4 GB limit. At least it's not 1.5 GB (it should be 2 GB, but at 1.5 GB Cubase crapped out and didn't let me open more VSTi's :goggly:) like it was on WinXP with Cubase SX3.