better things i saw at the horror con this weekend


Sep 12, 2002
because mostly i felt sick, was nervous, and hated everything about it:

- table set up amongst all of the other identical dealer tables with the same weird combo of items: bootleg dvds and homemade "ghoulish" dolls (the new trend)... but this table featured anna pulchalski (the doll maker), who is married to a dude who does a horror zine i've read for years. never knew how to picture anna, but she looked mature, no bullshit and really cool. can't put my finger on it, but i would like to be as graceful an artisan/adult as she is. i haven't even looked at this yet, so who knows how bad it translates to the web. minx if you read this CHECK OUT THE F(*$@(*# TENTACLED RABBIT.

- young lady with a complete KILL BILL yellow outfit on, and a samurai sword. she was attractive, but, that just framed the coolest thing that she did.

some dude in the (very crowded hallway) was all like "hey hey can i get a pic?"... and you know, this kind of behavior irks me because at the (few) cons i've been to before i've noted that it's fair game for older gross dudes to get away with asking for pics of girls in costume... and faux-uma was happy to oblige, and what was awesome was that she ripped the sword out and FLUNG the sheath on the ground, to her side, not giving a shit who was walking by or whatever. she was all fuck this shit.

- old old dude wearing a home-tailored roadwarrior meets gwar costume with his belly hanging out. he had big fake vamp teeth and a marilyn manson eye contact (the other had a patch over it). he carried a bullhorn and yelled stuff about his ancient underwear to people waiting in line, but i don't think he was part of the staff. my friend said he's there every year doing that

- laverne and shirley never left their special tent
this won't post but still

i just bought 2 bootleg monster dvds and one $5 indie documentary on roswell. the director was selling them himself and seemed lonely/crazy.

the thing was horribly mismanaged. i kept seeing the same 3 physiotypes walking by in clumps and everyone seemed so happy to be there, which made me feel uber-nerdish because that made me more miserable. why be so happy over a glorified merch orgy and rampant sexism?
and let me clarify i didn't talk to A.P. (nor the childhood hero i mentioned before, but i am still going to be in contact w/ him), but let me state i think i fell in love w/ AP!
- tom savini is still an arrogant, aloof asshole and i like him a LOT. no one was getting autographs from him!

in fact, they didn't put him in the main star tent, they put him on the main floor with the lower-tier stars (the majority of whom were super talented, working illustrators and artists). tom deserves to be placed in a spot that is harder to interact with!