Halloween weekend in NYC (pics n stuff)


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
so I was shocked and pleased to discover that, due to the price wars, the Chinatown bus had responded to Greyhound's $50 round-trip coup by cutting their fares to $10 each way, all the time! whoa.

i sat in front of these two teenage kids (girl in high school, boy a freshman at NEU) who were talking about the most ridiculous things the whole trip. i ended up writing down stuff they were saying because it was so silly.

the boy had come and sat down next to her and introduced her and was totally being fake-interested in the things she had to say the whole time. also, the stuff that was interesting about her he totally didn't ask her about (like, she was like "well, i was raised ba'hai" and he was just like "uh huh" and pretended he knew what ba'haiism was and then started blabbing about new jersey).

she: what kind of music do you like?
he: oh, everything!
(she looks through his CD book)
she: you seem to like a lot of rap.
he: well, sure. one of my friends loves 50 cent and he's great, but not the best rapper EVER!
she: ...i don't listen to rap.
he: oh...well...musical taste is something you can't criticize. like, i see you're reading a book. you don't think worse of me because i don't read, right?
she: ...no!
(he then put on his headphones and listened to Evanescence so loud everyone around us could hear it and was shooting him dirty looks)

he later went on a tirade about how American music "sucks" and is "just not there" and how there aren't ANY really good American artists. she was like "right on!"

it quickly became clear that he was a dumb college kid.

(as we're going over a bridge)
he: it's cool how so many important things in history have happened on bridges.
she: ...yeah! (pause) uh, like what?
he: umm...well...lots of things...it's hard to say.
he: i used to be pretty shallow, until like a year ago. so i can't think of it now. but, yeah, bridges.

anyway they exchanged phone numbers at the end of the trip, so, like, good luck to them.

i got down to NYC around 10pm and we walked around the village looking at costumes. a lot of my pictures didn't come out (bleh) but some of the best costumes were a pair of Ghostbusters with blinking, homebuilt proton packs!

i ran into the_preppy and was like "whoa amanda you have big legs!"

then we ate and went out to a couple of bars.

the following day, we went to Harlem and walked around and I bought cheap DVDs of "Return of the Living Dead" and "Phantasm". we walked by Clinton's office and went to this insanely good soul food buffet. that night was my real halloween night. it was nov.1, but who cares, we had costume parties to go to. i did not know about the costume parties beforehand so i had to scrounge a costume. i went over my old roommate tami's house and hung out with the kitty we used to have when we lived together (he was a kitten then) while she got gothed up.



i got some KITTY EARS from tami and that was my costume.

we went to the party and i talked to a dog dressed like ZORRO who kept shaking off his mask and hat:

you can see him lunging toward my ear in that picture and immediately following it i was savaged. OH NO!

then we left the party and went out to one of the few smoking-allowed bars left in Manhatten and played pool. my pics from it weren't very good, unfortunately. i don't remember taking them because we were wasted.

the next morning i woke up and puked and then hurried to catch the train. i made it by 45 seconds because of the goddamn NYC marathon (you didn't run, right, amanda?). i blame P-Diddy entirely.

but then i was back in Connecticut where my parents made a big dinner and my family all came over. we had braciole and Swiss chard and a trifle for dessert. my little cousin Lucas was crawling around under the table attacking peoples' legs so i put my camera down there and took some blind pics and what did i get? photos of Toby secretly kicking him under the table!

further abusing him, we tied knots in his socks so he couldn't pull them on all the way:

it got pretty chaotic. this picture shows Mia in mid-fall and Toby in mid-play (with M.A.S.K. toys).

notice Lucas is half-naked? we had pulled his sleeves down and knotted them, too. but he circumvented that problem by slipping out of his shirt entirely.

then i took some photos of our pissy cat arrow.


and then drove back to Boston and listened to Khanate's Things Viral.

the end.
I got a call from my brother yesterday and he said he went out as scooby doo wearing a costume that was 3 sizes too small and his balls were totally buldging out of his costume for the whole world to see.

I miss him :(

I continued my 3 year tradition of telling everyone that I was an AIDS patient for halloween.
alex what time were you at the train station? and, which?

i was listening to a guido college couple across the aisle from me (prep already knows they were making out for half the fucking ride), and the conversation was so similar to your bus stuff.

"yeah, the brain... the brain is where it's at"

also, good andrew watchmaker costume.
yeah, i got stuck in one of those half-height-backed seats! halfway through the trip some guy got on and tried to scam the conductor out of a fare, insisting he was a new york cop and he had "already paid somebody" to get on the train.

he then pulled out his cellphone and started pretending it was a CB radio and calling his friends and being like TEN NINER I'M GETTING SOME TROUBLE FROM A FUCKIN CONDUCTOR ON THIS TRAIN. finally he paid.

then these two middle-aged impeccably-parted-hair men wearing tucked-in shirts and khakis went over and stood by the door to wait for the doors to open, and this crazy guy pushed in right between them and started shouting into the phone "YEAH MAN I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT MARIJUANA I NEEDS SOME BLUNTS I HAD A BAG OF BLUNTS RIGHT THERE BUT I CAN'T FIND IT while pointing at my bag (which coincidentally wasn't entirely legal in its contents).

the parted-hair guys looked shocked and i started laughing and they exchanged gazes with me and smiled a little. i think they thought i was shocked also, not laughing at THEM.

finally the guy got off. when the conductor came by the parted-hair gentlemen grabbed him and reported, "A man just got off who was talking about Marijuana!!"
wow that's crazy. whenever i take the metronorth i get the fucking 1/2 seat too. i hate it. but it's drama free except for the usual 4 or 5 pervs that have to talk to me incessantly.
Dude... Constructicons are SO not M.A.S.K. toys! PREPARE FOR EXTERMINATION!