Beware Of Jiffy Lube!

Savage Pumpkin

AKA Mr. Future World
Sep 6, 2008
Skokie, IL
Personally, I've had some bad experiences at Jiffy Lube (ie. trying to get me to pay for things I obviously don't need). Although this story is very very interesting I would hope this chain changed their practices. I recommend going to a regular mechanic that comes recommended like I go to. Today I had a oil change, oil filter change, air filter, wintergrade wiper replacement. Fluids checked., brakes checked, pretty much the whole car looked over for $50. And make sure your mechanic is ASC certified and it helps if they are part of AAA. But back to Jiffy Lube. Take a look at this video:

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An oil change from my local dealer costs less than $50... and its a big honking truck! It also includes the comprehensive safety overlook. Guess thats one of the good parts of owning a domestic vehicle.... you aren't taken over the coals like you would an expensive import dealer.
Just to put my own 2 cents: Chains usually pay a low salary PLUS commission. So, if you go to a Jiffy Lube, the mechanic is trying to bump up his commission. Many are individually owned, but they basically do the same thing. I go to a trusted mechanic. But, I do one better: I joined Zipcar. I get a car when I need it, and leave them the headaches.
If Jiffy Lube isn't comparing inventory to sales, they have a real management problem. Their claim of ignorance and just firing the people caught on camera is a charade. I always watch things like this to make sure they actually do it.
I have a trusted mechanic and garage where I've been taking my cars for service since c. 1987 -- they're honest, they've always done exactly the work needed and never more (or less), and most importantly, they're Greek. :heh:
Atlanta folks: it's Apollon Car Care, just west of I-85 on Shallowford Rd.; I can't recommend them highly enough. (If you go there, ask for Tassos or George and tell them "Paul with the black Escort" sent ya. :))

--But I hate taking my car there for 'routine' crap like oil changes. They have a very busy garage and I don't want to waste their time with minor stuff, so I've been taking my car to Express Oil Change lately. No problems so far, and the shop manager at the Mall of Georgia location now greets me by name when he sees me roll up. (That kinda impressed me.)

My experience with Jiffy Lube was average, except there was one time when they forgot to put the oil cap back on after the oil change was finished. In fairness, though, Express Oil Change (NE Atlanta location) forgot it once, too. Always working too quickly..... :erk:
I'm like Paul. I really don't want to take my car to the "trusted mechanic" for simple stuff like an oil change, except when I have the car in for other things such as a mandatory state inspection (we have those here in most of the east coast states) or emissions inspection (thank goodness same trusted mechanic can do it too, and that's only every other year).

There's a Jiffy Lube near me and I take the car for the 5000 mile oil changes (3000 is just too often IMHO). Yeah, they really try the hard sell, but I usually tell them I had the work done elsewhere, which is most often the case.

The nice thing is you're in and you're out in a few minutes if the place isn't busy. But like others have said, they do make mistakes and you need to watch them.

Also, ONLY let them do oil changes and NOTHING else. For example, don't let them rotate your tires. I had that done a few times and they managed to strip the wheel bolts. Only way a mechanic can get those off is to cut them off and put a new one on. That gets expensive. Only let a TIRE place rotate your tires, not the oil change place.
HA! The jiffy lube nearest me is one in the video in Canoga Park where I work. My truck goes to Willard Automotive, the only guys that touch my truck.....someday I wish they'd make a mistake and give me one of those muscle or pristine classic cars they work on :lol:
Honestly, I have been taking my cars to Wal-Mart for 90% of my oil changes in the past 7 or 8 years and have never had a problem. The last time I had any mechanical work done, it was done by my boyfriend and before that, my friend (who is a mechanic at Ed Voyles Honda) and I did it together. Girl power! lol

FWIW, the pay scheme (hourly + commission of some sort) is pretty much the same at all these places IME. The ex worked at a Tires Plus, Deana works at a dealership. The more they sell ya, the more they make. Nothing really wrong with that in theory. *shrug* The thing is, some will sell you only stuff you need anyway, some, stuff you might need or will eventually, and some are just out-and-out unscrupulous bastards. Learn a little about your car and be prepared. I have had people try to sell me stuff that was utter bullshit, and it feels really good to be able to call them on it. ALWAYS have them show you what they're talking about, too. If you go to one of these oil change places that tell you they need to do something else that would make your car "unsafe" to drive even to your regular mechanic or dealership, that should raise a serious red flag. Call your regular guy and see what he says. If you don't have a regular guy, drive it somewhere else and get a second opinion.

And whoever said it was absolutely right--stick to your guns: "I need an oil change, and nothing else." Specials on oil changes are supposed to draw you in to get other work done.

Btw, places that do emissions inspections do this bullshit, too.
Good advice. As I've told others, if you are going for an oil change, just get that. If they say you need your transmission fluid changed, or fuel injector, oil filter, air filter, etc. replaced. ONLY do it if you already know it needs to be done. Otherwise, your car can wait a bit. Go home, do your research and figure out if that's the case. And then shop around.
If anyone wants to hear my car story: I went to Monroe Muffler and Brake to have my brakes looked at. They quoted me $130 plus parts. An hour later they came out and showed me a "crack" in my struts and quoted me an addtional $900. I laughed and told them no. They said they'd look at the car more and then get back to me. Another hour later, they came out and showed me an estimate for $3,500. I laughed, then they offered to take 10% off if I signed up for their credit card. Then they took off any "optional" things, then "should be done" and left it with only "NEEDS TO BE DONE!!!!" and the bill was still at $1500 I told them no way in hell. They put my car back together and went home. I called a friend of mine and he fixed the brakes for about $100. Talk about a heafty increase. Asses. Never went back there again.

Ahhh, someday I should post my "Tale of the Battling Transmission Places."
--Wherein my car gets towed back and forth between two warring transmission shops (at their expense), one run by old guys who would have looked more at home as undertakers, and the other by a smiling, slimy Northerner who used to work for the old guys........
Good times; good times. :lol:

(Atlanta folks, if you know Buford Hwy, it's the two transmission places right across from eachother south of PDK Airport; one of them is a Cottman Transmission place.)

I've sworn never to own a car with an automatic transmission ever again. :Saint: