Beyer M201N(C) rules


Aug 2, 2007
Finally the sound that was in my head.
Snagged one of these today for €55 with a stand and cable!
Just tried it and it sounds amazing.
I have searched long and hard to find my ultimate amp mic and this may be it.
I love the Sennheiser E906 but this sounds much more controlled.
Needed a slight cut at 4k and a medium q cut at 500.
I know Lasse has posted M201 clips before and most people preferred the 57 but maybe this older non tg model is different. (I don't know)
Behold the fizzless triple rectifier.

DIs from this brilliant track by Incarnated.

Grabbed an impluse too if anyone wants it.
I really like the M201 too, if one's available it's a common go to for me on guitar and snare. The hat bleed on it almost sounds... pleasant. I know some don't like the linearity of it on snare, and I admit that for live, I'll also usually pick something else that's more "pre-eq'd". I also used it live on flute recently with great results, go figure.

How'd you get one for that cheap though? It's an amazing deal for sure. Edit: oh, I see it's not the TG one. I've only used those, no idea whether they differ.
I used the Tg model on guitars for a session when a mate left one at the studio for a few days. I couldn't get it to sound good on that particular amp but I've heard good clips.
I have an M201TG and it's my favorite dynamic mic for everything but vocals (though, it's actually not bad on vocals, either).
906 and 201 both sound great there! The 57 not so much.
Totally agree.
The 57 always seems flat and undynamic to me.
That is why I have been searching for my ideal mic.
The 906 is really good and I much prefer it to the 57 but this 201 has much more clarity across the frequency range than anything else I have tried and it takes very little eq to get what I'm after.
With a 57 I eq out the 4-5k fizz then notice honk at 700 then notice rumble at 200 and so on until I have to use 2 EQs in series to get a useable sound.
The 201 needs a tiny narrow cut at 4k and a medium q cut at 550, hi and lo pass and some multiband on the lows and the sound is mix ready.
I had a bit of time today to refine the mic position.
Here is Rose of Sharyn 6505 and triple recto.
Mic placed using pink noise ended up just outside dustcap 2" from grille.
I believe Kurt ballou said, the 57 is a poor mans i5 which is a poor mans m201nc

I'd agree if I actually liked the i5. It's worked on snare for me before (have gone back to 57 lately) but for guitars I've literally never used it for rhythm tracks on a finished product whereas I've literally never not used a 57 on rhythm tracks for a finished product.