Beyond Fear!!!!!!!!!

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
I just got a promo for Beyond Fear and holy crap I wish I had been sitting down because I was blown back into the wall of my room. Now I need to find the number of a person that can repair dry wall cheap. But seriously HOLY FUCKING SHIT this album is going to be in contention for album of the year, I cant believe how awesome it is. Any one else heard it?
What's up Wayne? It's been a while....

Yeah, I saw their very first gig at BWBK last year and was not too impressed, but ........ the recorded final product is VERY good indeed! I can't believe that song "Scream Machine" !!!!
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
I just got a promo for Beyond Fear and holy crap I wish I had been sitting down because I was blown back into the wall of my room. Now I need to find the number of a person that can repair dry wall cheap. But seriously HOLY FUCKING SHIT this album is going to be in contention for album of the year, I cant believe how awesome it is. Any one else heard it?
I was amazed. For a guy who completely raped one of my favorite bands - Iced Earth - I was SHOCKED at how awesome he soudned on this.

Seriously, this is the album Judas Priest should have released last year!
Hey Bri - How goes it?!? Just busy as hell...

Urinalcakemix - that hit it right on the head - live they sound like a heavier Priest. And Tim did not miss a note
I heard it .. it's okay. I've liked it a little less with each spin though. For me it's not going to have much shelf life. I like Ripper's work on it, but I don't think the songs are all that memorable.

Heard this album last week and it really does kick some ass. The vocals should come as no surprise to anyone, since its Ripper and sounds similar to most things you've heard him do before. However, the style of music around his voice is very fitting. If anything, it sounds like it should be Halford's new solo album :)
I saw these guys last fall (yet another awesome MN SwordLord event!). They played exclusively songs from the not-yet-released album (aside from one Sabbath cover). Having only heard the songs that one time, they seemed pretty good. There was one song that was totally awesome - I'm looking forward to getting the album and hearing it again.
I loved Ripper on his 2 Priest albums. Then the Glorious Burden killed him for me. I had absolutely no interest in Beyond Fear up until I started to hear good things about the band/album...

Let me just say. WOW! THIS is what I was hoping to hear in a Ripper solo band. The band sounds great and his voice sounds perfect! This is quite the redeeming record Ripper needed after "not being Matt Barlow," haha! My interest in Ripper has finally returned. Cheers!