Bhutto Assassinated!

am i the only one that doesn't really give a fuck?

She was told not to come back.. she did...

Natural selection if you ask me.

what the FUCK is wrong with those people already?

Angriest people in the world...

They're possibly more metal than Mayhem.
Hey, i'm pretty ignorant on pakistani politics -- was this woman a bad guy or good guy? I know her family has been all shot up and her father fell victim to a military coup, but usually that means they had it coming.

So was she a gangster?
So was she a gangster?

Or a Nazi?

LOL if mankind focused on making human clones of Aria Giovanni and Mila Jovovich there would be no more wars

Like seriously, at the risk of sounding totally barbaric, could you imagine a clone of Aria Giovanni that has been genetically altered to enjoy football, cooking, and saving money? I mean honestly, could you imagine anything better in the world?
LOL if mankind focused on making human clones of Aria Giovanni and Mila Jovovich there would be no more wars

Man, if you like Milla Jovovich, just make a trip to Slovacchia! They have some of the most beautiful average girls in the world! And I say average beacause in every country you can find a super beautiful female over thousands of individuals but there the basic level of beauty is stunning.
...and of course, I don't care much about Bhuttho apart from the fact that we're at war. No bombings yet in 'civilized' countries but don't make a fool of me trying to sell this as a 'peacekeeper' mission(s).

It's the OilWar™©. Soon to be made as a videogame too.
am i the only one that doesn't really give a fuck?

She was told not to come back.. she did...

Natural selection if you ask me.

She tried to stand up dude and got killed because of her bravery ! She didn't have anything to win against everything she had lost previously (slayed family members + permanent death threat) and she returned for the good of the Pakistan people !

Her being killed is a strong signal sent from the Islamist terrorists to the ones that would try to resist against them... like "no matter the good will you have and the support you get we're stronger than you and gonna make you get killed easily so don'ttry to resist".

It seems distant to you like "it happened far away from the place where i live so i don't give a fuck" but i gotta tell you "political murders" happen in UK/Great Brittain too... remember the Russian ex-spy (Alexandre Litvinenko) being poisoned in London ???

I don't wanna give any moral lessons here but i just don't understand how you could feel so "distant" towards this event and not see how it can be related to some stuff that can happen in YOUR area.
This only proves again we have no fucking business in the middle east, these moslim terrorists have stronger faith than us, so they'll probably get out on top in the end :mad: