Biff Update


Jun 8, 2004
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
As you can see, the 'Biff Sticky' has now been taken off the forum to avoid confusion for new members etc.

Here is what Vince had to say about the current situation:

Vince's reply:


This (the sticky!) has been unstuck. The messages were sent to both Biffs personal email address and his manager. he should have received them however I have had no 100% confirmation that he has seen them yet. Biff is notoriously slow in replying (if ever) to anything!

Any more news will be published as I receive it from Saxon's management.




So - it's kind of a good news/bad news/ no news situation at the moment.
Like it's been previously stated on the forum - we did our bit for Biff and anything else is a bonus.

As long as Biff knows how much we appreciate him and his work, I'm a happy chappy!
I'll seccond that

nightwar said:
As you can see, the 'Biff Sticky' has now been taken off the forum to avoid confusion for new members etc.

Here is what Vince had to say about the current situation:

Vince's reply:


This (the sticky!) has been unstuck. The messages were sent to both Biffs personal email address and his manager. he should have received them however I have had no 100% confirmation that he has seen them yet. Biff is notoriously slow in replying (if ever) to anything!

Any more news will be published as I receive it from Saxon's management.




So - it's kind of a good news/bad news/ no news situation at the moment.
Like it's been previously stated on the forum - we did our bit for Biff and anything else is a bonus.

As long as Biff knows how much we appreciate him and his work, I'm a happy chappy!
Actually, that's a good thought, Fingers! It kind of makes sense, you know?

Anyhow, I'm sure that the management have passed on the info, as they would be in regular contact with Biff and would be aware of Biff being temporarily off-line if that were the case.
Also, I think the management would ensure that Biff received the messages as it would help keep him motivated, performing and touring. The last thing they would want is to lose a regular client of theirs!
And remember, band members of Saxon do visit this site! Like a typical Rock God, Biff may be a little reclusive, but the news (and messages) would have got to him in one way or another, so I would not worry about that.

Personally, I think it was a succesfull project for so many reasons. The Forum definately made itself known to the band's management and many Forum members got to get to know each other better because of the correspondance the project demanded.
I also noticed an increase of New Forum Members after we did the project. Some may say this is just a coincidence, but I'd think differently!
As long as we spread the word of Saxon and Biff understands how much he is appreciated, I think we can say we did a very good job!!
Sorry about that, Mate.
But it does seem to work.

Otherwise Google it with something like "Dr Rock Biff Byford"

It is definately worth checking out, and the site itself seems to have some other good articles on there.
Biff talks about new acts, such as 'The Darkness' and explains a little more about the departure of Graham Oliver and Steve Dawson.
Regarding current Saxon stuff, Biff seems really upbeat and happy!
Check it out and let us know what you think, OK?