Big Bird is a bloke?!

big bird used to freak me out with his inability to convince the world that snuffleoofukus was real...that sorta thing really made me nuts as a sprog, I liked oscar tho...he had game
:( watched some Sesame when i was younger, don't remember all of it. maybe i already knew.
:err: it still freaked me out. thought it was a sign of the apocalypse..

:mad:..though i guess just about everything is.
I liked that green one. His name was Oscar I think. By the way, my first English books were based on Sesame Street cartoons!
here's the bloody truth about Sesame Street...

Originally posted by Bambi
Oscar was the one in the trash can...he was the moody misanthrope, i think he was a closet alcoholic or smack head

Goddammit, why was that not in the book? :D Not that I knew what a smack head was at 7.....
his living in a trash can was the clue...

what pissed me off about sesame street was it sooooo long. did'nt they realise 6 year olds have the attention span if a gnat??