Is Big Bird gay?

Big Bird is gay!

Burt and Ernie are definitely gay! 2 grown men sharing the same bedroom with matching headboards that have their initials on them? The only reason they aren't sleeping in the same bed is because when the show came on the air years and years ago it was against decency standards to have even married, heterosexual couples share the same bed (i.e. Lucy and Ricky Ricardo). Today, they'd be wrestling in a vat of oil and Enie would be putting rubber ducky where the sun don't shine!
No big bird isn't gay, he's a woman. Yes, he's a she. Ok, let's say he is actually a he. All he does is hang out with ugly women and little kids. Gay or not, that's just scary.
As for Bert and Ernie, if Sesame street were only invented a few years ago, going with previous statements made here, rubber ducky would be a big rubber dildo, or just a rubber. A gift from Ernie to Bert, if you will.
I'd like to address the issue of Snuffy's odd habits and appearances. He's lathargic, he's tired, he limps... he's a crack head trying to stay in rehab. He limps either because he's too low to move correctly or he got his ass kicked by a drug dealer. That's why he's so sheepish and shy, he got his ass kicked by a dealer. Whenever someone else comes around, the many years of drugs have distorted his judgement and so he's afraid of even his gay sesame street pals. I'd like to mention how all the drugs affected his appearance also. How many elephants now adays are as hairy as a large russian woman?