The Gay Look

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
is it me or is everyone gay? the reason i ask this is that the current "hot look" for mainstream male "artists" and other "celebrities" is awfully gay. its something about the t-shirts i think. the cut of them or something. i dunno. we have a really gay neighbor and i always laugh at his outifts and make fun of his diesel t-shirts to his face. he doesnt get it. anyway, hes always wearing the outfits im talking about - real tight $80 t-shirts, real tight jeans, perfectly sculpted facial hair. you get the picture. so, i was just wondering if you guys have noticed that everyone is either gay or wants to dress like it. someone post some pics. christian "artists" are a great example.
dude i have such little fashion sense that i'm in the negative, but even i know the proper term: metrosexual. :loco:
fashion is for women and homosexuals. i wear shirts that are comfortable and cargo pants to hold all the shit i need like knives and smokes.
I don't suppose anyone here has read the Mission Earth series by L. Ron Hubbard? There was a part that talked about how the entire fashion industry is conspiring to turn everyone gay. He was right.
One Inch Man said:
fashion is for women and homosexuals. i wear shirts that are comfortable and cargo pants to hold all the shit i need like knives and smokes.

add in cell phone, music device, receipts and any handouts from school and thats about it.

And yes, who doesn't need a knife on a regular basis? they're amazingly handy, i usually carry a knife and a box cutter at all times. unless i'm going to a bar, then I just bring a pocket knife.

I wear t-shirts that make me laugh, or support a band I like, I wear sweatshirts that are as plain as possible. screw fashion.
One Inch Man said:
dude i have such little fashion sense that i'm in the negative, but even i know the proper term: metrosexual. :loco:
good point. i forgot about this. end of thread/
^meh, kinda. the closest thing to what im talking about it the bottom left hand photo.
the main thing im talking about is the guys are fairly buff, wear very tight, expensive t-shirts, very tight jeans, frosted hair.....oh shit. i just realized the guy who sums it all up for me: keith urban. can someone post a pic of this guy? i cant stand to look at him. do chicks like this sort of thing?
yes! thats awesome right there! thanks, snow2fall. perfect. someone please explain this look to me. me dont compute.
ummmmmmmmmmm, it sucks? seriously, i have no fucking clue. these are the same dudes that probably cry in the corner when someone insults their girlfriend/mother/sister instead of shrugging it off and/or delivering a friendly pummeling.