51 Rules for a Power Metal fan to avoid being labeled as gay

"XXallusiveXX" is all wrong. All Lusive? no! The word is "ELUSIVE". Sorry, I just can't handle that...had to say something. And the meaning does not apply in the least to forbidden angel. You are neither mysterious, nor hard to pin down.
Unregistered said:
"XXallusiveXX" is all wrong. All Lusive? no! The word is "ELUSIVE". Sorry, I just can't handle that...had to say something. And the meaning does not apply in the least to forbidden angel. You are neither mysterious, nor hard to pin down.

Well Guerrilla if you would have looked aullsive up in the dictionary (because it is in there) you would have noticed that it means to be full of allusions or to contain an allusion. So there for the meaning does apply to forbidden angel. Because angles are an allusion. Any thing else form the peanut gallary?