51 Rules for a Power Metal fan to avoid being labeled as gay

Guerrilla said:
Gay guys should be made into soap straight guys use to wash their balls with. Hitler was on to something I tell ya.

Are you saying you wamt a gay guy washing your testicals?

Mistress just because I find homosexuallity in men unapealing to me doesn't mean I am afraid of catching it. It just that I find it unapealing. I don't think women should be gay either, but I can not help finding it sexy. I guess because I find women attractive and not men. I actully find men disgusting and I can't understand how one man can look at another mans hairy ass and find that attractive.
You would not survive playing with me.

I am just tired of the term "Thats gay" being used in a negative way.

I am tired of the gang mentality "If they are not like us then they are wrong & bad"

But then, I feel the same way about breeders so maybe I am being hypocritical.
what the hell do you expect a pengui to fuck?



I would never fuck a chicken, Ill leave that up to hippy librarians