51 Rules for a Power Metal fan to avoid being labeled as gay

Emperor isn't a live band, they've spent a good amount of their career in prison.
Their music though, cannot, WILL NOT, be compared to the likes of such peasants like NIN and Ministry, it's UNACCEPTABLE.

Symphony X are a set of brilliant musicians.
Russell is probably one of the greatest singers of the 90's, at some moments can rival WD, not beat him, but definitely rival him.When it comes to 7 string.
they also write extremely epic music...truly amazing stuff.
SO despite all the arguing about which metal is the best metal (Which to me is just as stupid as arguing about which form of christianity is the best one or which kind of icecream is the best flavor)

I am still confused, being GAY is bad?
Apparently it is to them.

I would have no problem carrying a sword around, it's a nice manly weapon. Guns are for those who can't hold a piece of steel and know they can fuck someone up.

And I do have a girlfriend, and do like some power metal, but eh, oh well. :)
I took a most *VILE* internet beating over Luca Turilli. Truly thee most horrid power metal I have ever had the displeasure of hearing. I gave the discs to a buddy. MY only hope is that he'll still be talking to me after he recieves them.

I do like SX though. That is damn good!
Thanks to IoftheStorm, I took another hard listen to Zandelle, and found it to be quite good. Better than good.
im still sticking with the opinion of power metal ruling. i dont really dipise any metal, im open to anything. yes, luca is small bits is somewhat tolerable. but rhapsody isnt THAT bad :D
TheSinMakesYouReal said:
It is for a guy. :grin:
WHY is it bad for a guy to be gay? If you are not gay how does someone else being gay effect you in any way? Are you afraid it is catching? That somehow being around a gay person will turn you gay? If you are not gay, you are not gay. UNLESS you ARE secretly gay & afraid someone will find out. WHich really is no big deal. Peoples sexual preference is no ones business but their own.

And don't give me any crap about being hit on by gay guys, seriously gay guys don't want straight guys.

Being gay is not an affliction.

It is not bad. Geezuz, worry about your own life.
being gay is a disease

i once knew a guy and he went to a bar and there was a pack of gays, you know? and he went to get a drink, you know? cause he was all thirsty and stuff , anyways, he bumped into a GAY!!!
WELL, after that he began to get strange feelings, you know? like he would see the mailman in those shorts and would just get ......., you know?
well, one day a bunch of his buddies went to his house to party, you know? and he was in his bedroom having sex with another man

