The Gay Look

MFJ said:
There's definitely something wrong with looking gay while not being gay.
yeah i'll go with that. well, sorta. i mean if that's your thing go for it, but i'm likely going to make fun of you and possibly punch you if you get butthurt about it.

as far as being gay, fuckin go for it. people say homosexual sex isn't "normal" but if i could tell you a single "normal" heterosexual experience i've ever had, i'll eat my shirt.
MFJ said:
There's definitely something wrong with looking gay while not being gay.

Agreed. Don't pretend to be something you are not. If you're gonna look gay, then you better damn well be gay. Otherwise, you're a poser. And nobody likes posers.

And as for Zod's comment about showing up at a club like i'm going to a bar-and-shot place. Meh, I have one style, I wear it everywhere, cause it's who I am. Hence I only go to clubs when my friends(see classmates) drag me to one.

I keep some nice clothes for business things and formal occasions (weddings, funerals, and such). Hell, i even own a suit. just don't wear them that often. The last funeral I was at was for my ex bandmate who died. He would have wanted it to be a party and so it was. Live band (not us, though I did guest vocal a few songs), drinking, drugs, lots of stuff.
lurch70 said:
do gays stop giving blowjobs after they are married too?

man, that bint that wanted to get married stopped blowing me after 2 years and never cooked for me. how was that supposed to con me into happily ever after? :zombie:
heheh ... got that joke from Carlos Mencia, the beaner comedian ... that show he has on Comedy Central is pretty fucking funny.

stopped blowing me after 2 years

damn she held out for long ... mine usually stop after 6 months ...
i dunno, if/when i get married i better get at least a monthly blowjob. or be like larry david and win them as bets, hahahaha. but then again, i never stop giving mustache rides so what the fuck!