Whats the big problem with fantasy lyrics?

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
This is something that gets to me a lot whenever I hear people complain about them and I wanted to know what you people here think, since SyX is one of the bands i hear mentioned amung all this. But it seems to me a lot of people call bands that have fantasy or mythological or sci fi lyrics "cheesy gay metal" or whatever simply because of the fantasy subject matter, regardless of how well they are written. I agree a band like Rhapsody has some pretty bad lyrics, but thats just because they are written poorly. I think when a band like Symphony X or especially Blind Guardian write fantasy/mthology lyrics they're very well written and not cheesy at all. Its like, its ok for them to have fantasy movies or fantasy books or games, but as soon as they're lyrics its gay and cheesy? I just don't understand that...is this an "American" thing, or is it like this everywhere in the world? Thoughts?
I know what your saying. The band that has to have the cheesiest fantasy lyrics is Star One. I love the band, but theres really only so much I can take. Even most of Rhapsody's lyrics I dont mind at all.
I don't have a problem with fantasy lyrics, except when they are bad.

I believe though people who complain about this have small dicks (jk)

But seriously I just think they want lyrics they can relate with. Its kind of hard relating to a guy singing about his steel slaying a mighty dragon.
The Yngster said:
I know what your saying. The band that has to have the cheesiest fantasy lyrics is Star One. I love the band, but theres really only so much I can take. Even most of Rhapsody's lyrics I dont mind at all.
"Star One"-----PURE CHEESE! :loco: I would have to agree.
Yeah Yngvai, I don't really understand it either (and for some reason it's perfectly okay to have GORRRRE N BLUD RAAAGH lyrics) Fantasy lyrics are fine when they're well written (Symphony X) and awful when they're poorly written (Rhapsody). I think the Europeans are less picky about fantasy lyrics, but I tend to romanticize the European metal scene, so I could be wrong. :D
I don't like fantasy-based lyrics, but I won't dislike a band because of the lyrics. Symphony X for instance, my favorite band. I don't disagree that the lyrics are well written but I'm just not into some of them. Then again, I like ideas of some of the songs, like King of Terrors. Not too into the mythological stuff though. I guess I just never payed attention to lyrics much.

Whether it's the written about murder and vile sex acts or dragons and whatnot, I won't give a shit if the music's good.
I'm glad somebody brought this up because I also like fantasy lyrics. I think the whole fantasy stigma comes from fantasy being linked to intellect as an ability to think of something more than 'hey baby' in song lyrics and of course we know having intelligence is totally uncool. Fantasy expands on intellectual horizons on a artistic and spiritual level, it takes you to other worlds and gives positive messages, what more could you want. Obviously some overdo it on cheese factor but I'd rather hear that than the sort of crap you hear in the charts, jeez.

The kind of people that bash fantasy lyrics just don't want to be labelled 'uncool' simple as, a big FUCK OFF goes out to these bastards.
I read so much fantasy that I tend not to want to listen to bands with fantasy lyrics very often mostly out of the Overkill Factor.

That said, I don't mind fantasy lyrics per se; I do mind CHEESY fantasy lyrics, just as I mind cheesy fantasy books. Sword-and-sorcery and chicks in metal bikinis is just so clichéd (IMO!), and it's very very hard to do it well. SX, I'm afraid, slides over that boundary from time to time, but not so much that it really bothers me. I just can't listen to it over and over the way some of the diehard fans can. Rhapsody, on the other hand, drives me nuts.

A band that does do fantasy/mythological/allegorical lyrics well is Shadow Gallery. I can listen to their stuff and not feel like I'm in the middle of a bad Conan the Barbarian remix...
I dont have a problem with fantasy lyrics ( I actually love the ones by Blind Guaridan and Symphony X) but they could get a little out of hand and cheesy.

Ive actually picked up several books because the lyrics of a song (for example after hearing the Odyssey I snatched that story and read it real fast, I read the Similrillion twice because of Nightfall in middle Earth)
Fantasy lyrics come across really well when a band has the musical ability to create the colors and the landscape that the writing evokes. I really love it when this happens and this is something which early Rush and vintage Iron Maiden were really good at. To me though, nobody consistently does this better than Symphony X.
This is weird. For the most part I hate fantasy lyrics, but not SyX's lyrics.. heh...

I love LOTR and stuff like that, which is weird if I can't stand most lyrics in the same vein.

I must be screwed up somehow.. :p
We are stuck in this everyday world, we call it reality...

So to me it is nice to beable to take a trip, maybe to outer space or feel like you are standing next to a Knight in the heat of battle. I guess thats why I love sci-fi movie's, ect..
We go through so much crap out there in the "real world", there needs to be some kinda escape. (besides drugs.:erk:) For me it is in music. Sometimes movie's, but mostly music since I listen to more music then I get to watch tv.
I do like other types of style's not just fantasy. Just as long as the writting is good, and the music is good too, of course.:)
I don't like Rhapsody's lyrics at all. I think BG's are great.
IMO, SymX lyrics are the greatest.
Rush....UGH, I can't stand their lyrics. That stupid song about the trees :loco:
(I'm gonna get bashed for this, I just know it)

".......RUN...ALICE..........RUN !!!" :D

Yikes, Alex! Outa town for awhile!! Bye :wave:
Hey Pharoah I'll count you in and a 1,2,3

'Murder for freedom the stab in the back
women and children are cowards attack (tom drum roll)...
..............RUN TO THE HILLS

Anyway I just come off the phone to my connection in Iraq and he says he can get me great deals on the fuckin WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION which will soon be hitting a town near pharoah.

Rush write or Neil Peart I should say is THE best songwriter of all time, this particular statement isn't up for debate it's up for pain of death upon disagreement.

HOWEVER (sigh) in the true spirit of Neil everyone is intitled to do and say what they want so whatever mate.
I agree about the overkill factor, and sure enough it's usually the bands that rely on the juvenile aspect of fantasy that are the most guilty of this.

Regarding The Trees, a common interpretation among Rush fans is that it's about the separatist movement in Quebec, though Neil has denied this.
I think I'm the only Rhapsody fan in the world. I like cheesy stuff! Probly has something to do with the fact that I'm a nerd who plays guitar - Rhapsody fits me pretty damn well. I don't think you could have a band with their over-the-top, orchestrated sound without cheesy lyrics.

And I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, but in Rhapsody's defense:
At least Luca Turilli and Alex Strapoli don't load their music with Bach and Verdi without giving them credit - they've always done their own orchestration.

You cannot tell me that "intergalactic space cruisaders" is not the most cheesy thing you have ever heard.

Anyhow, i just wanted to point something out. Rhapsody are from italy. Many european bands write "poor" lyrics by our standards because english is their second language. I think the ideas are there, but the translation is just not. I'm not reprimanding anyone for this, but just wanted to point itout. In Flames has some lyrics that you get the idea that they really are trying to say something, but there is not necissarily a direct translation... same with many many many other european bands. On the other hand, some do it very well.