Fans of Final Fantasy music - check this out!

FF has a GREAT score. The only game or anime music that beats it is stuff composed by Yoko Kanno (she's fscking amazing!). And FYI, is a great store. I've bought from them before.
Thats a pretty cool version of the FF7 boss battle theme but it could have been a million times better if the arpeggios were on guitar hehehe
a year ago i was trying to nail them but never could, and now im gona try them again. its the part after 20secs incase ur wondering.
Wow. I just downloaded some of the tunes and maaan they kick some series butt! I'll be ordering this puppy up for sure. Some of the music I haven't even heard but that one from FFX is pretty sweet. Seriously, if anyone likes FF music you should check it out. PlustI love the Malmsteen riff in the 4th track. Don't know the one? Track 11 on the Concerto Suite.
man!!! AWESOME!!! Thanks for the link, this rocked!!
(my band is also playing very FF inspired music)...
I liked that little Winters dream feel on the beginning of "clash on the big bridge" :tickled: :) :) :tickled:
The only video game music I like more than that is the first battle theme in Breath of Fire...

I should check that CD, my bro's a huge FF fan, he'd flip. Thanks for the recommendation!
The clips are awesome. I want to get this, but I don't want to have to pay crazy japanese import prices. Woe is me.
Wow, I didn't now you guys were into this!

I myself am a dedicated FF fan and I always dreamed of hearing FF7's Boss Theme with real heavy guitars. This is a dream come true. Thanks. :)
Is there any band like The Black Mages, but that plays street fighter 2 songs????????????
I think it would be a great job some heavy street fighter songs
Jugulator said:
Is there any band like The Black Mages, but that plays street fighter 2 songs????????????
I think it would be a great job some heavy street fighter songs

Well, I don't know about street fighter but if you go onto KazaA and search for minibosses they are a low budget band that does video game music. Some of it is pretty good. My favorites are their medlies of Castlevania and Contra music. Great stuff!
Nobuo Uematsu is one of the biggest musical geniuses of all time. The Final Fantasy music(VII-VIII-IX-X) are some of the best compositions ever made. Example:Kujas Theme from FFIX Just imagine that done in prog metal!