Alright, the last post has reached 6 or so pages so I felt that it might be a good idea to restart the thread. This is what I had to say about the new album cover idea:
Although I do like the cover art, it needs more to it. Heres my suggestion. Alright, lets look at the facts:
1. Band's name is Nightingale
2. Nightingale is a type of bird
3. New Album is Alive Again
Taking all that into account. I have yet to see a damn bird on any nightingale cover!
What Im suggesting is that there should be a black type bird...a shadow of the bird would look cool (breathing shadow!)...and then....everyone knows what the Phoenix is right? Well..she was born again...which is just like Alive Again right?...
Have the shadow of the bird flying out flames? with feathers falling down towards the bottom of the cover. I think the whole thing would look really really cool . Just an idea for ya.
I did some 'rough sketches' of what im kinda talking about:
keep in mind that i did this kinda quickly just to get the idea out in the open...i wasnt trying to make it look great or anything.
Although I do like the cover art, it needs more to it. Heres my suggestion. Alright, lets look at the facts:
1. Band's name is Nightingale
2. Nightingale is a type of bird
3. New Album is Alive Again
Taking all that into account. I have yet to see a damn bird on any nightingale cover!
What Im suggesting is that there should be a black type bird...a shadow of the bird would look cool (breathing shadow!)...and then....everyone knows what the Phoenix is right? Well..she was born again...which is just like Alive Again right?...
Have the shadow of the bird flying out flames? with feathers falling down towards the bottom of the cover. I think the whole thing would look really really cool . Just an idea for ya.
I did some 'rough sketches' of what im kinda talking about:
keep in mind that i did this kinda quickly just to get the idea out in the open...i wasnt trying to make it look great or anything.