Big Business - Head For The Shallow

I dont know if I would be so sure of this....BUT they are both fucking incredible.

They're both absolute monsters, but it seems like the guitars in Head For the Shallow were just an afterthought, and most of the time when the guitar part does appear, it's not out enough in the mix, giving it a wimpy sound which doesn't really match the aggressive and powerful nature of the bass and drums since those dudes are BEASTS.

On the newer one it seems more like they wrote the songs with the guitar parts in mind, and could hold back at times- not having to go full blast on their respective instruments throughout to fill the space, like on the previous disc.

It doesn't hold as much of an epic vibe since the songs are straight-forward rockers, but ... dang it's still downright jawsome.
Dayum fucking straight. The first one is definitely more "slam you over the fucking head & blast a pilon through your fucking chest." They both are, like you said, FUCKING JAWSOME.

Currently doing a fuggin jig at work whilst listening to "Here Come the Waterworks" for the first time. I would have never checked these assholes out if it werent for that "Informercial" Ken posted the other day.