Big Fan Please Help! :)


New Metal Member
Jan 28, 2011
Hey Chris, my name is Josh Gonzalez. I currently live in CT and I'm a guitarist trying to work my way up. I've been playing for 4 years but I'm nothing but self taught. I really want to go to school but I'm not sure where to go but one thing I promise is that ill do whatever it takes to make it. I can't imagine a better feeling then playing in front of 200,000 people who are there for your adrenaline pumping shredding and as well as head banging, they're also humming the music that you produce (I know because I saw Megadeth in CT not too long ago and was doing just that :D). All I'm asking is that I get a response and maybe even some advice. Your one of my all time favorite guitarists and I hope that maybe one day I can meet you and possibly even share the stage with you!