BIG groove/ thrash/ stoner mix! (real drums/ guitars blah blah) Thoughts PLEASE

Cheers dude. I wasn't completely sold on them yet. A little more work IMO! But sure.

Umm.. drums are natural toms. 50% sampled snare (some slate/ vinnie paul and the natural snare samples), Kick is 60% natural and 40% slate/ bodom and something else kick.
Guitars were Gibson flying V with JB -> Maxon -> 6505+ (modded) -> Mesa 4x12 as usual -> 57, nothing special.
Bass was a Rickenbacker (i'm in love with it) just distresser and 1176 on it. Sansamp on the grit track. One EQ and a limiter.. that's about it.
Vocals are literally sm7 -> pre -> desser -> distressor -> EQ -> 1176 -> tape saturation -> limiting... that's about it :)
Sounds awesome! Vocals sound absolutely fine to me :p

only thing I can think of is the cymbals are a bit irritating to my ears, maybe a bit of harshness in them. Just my opinion though :)

Is there any chance of getting the stems for this? :p
I feel that the low end is a little uncontrolled (try make the grit part more audible, while reducing the low end part in volume), and too much 'esses', as already stated. Otherwise, sounds like pro :)
Cheers guys! The cymbals have been a hoebag to get to eve where they are now. Really cheap cymbals unfortunately. I just don't want it to hit the point where there's NO cymbal quality left in the OH.

Yeah, still have to deess haven't done that yet! Thanks for the reminder :)

Unfortunately the band aren't keen on throwing around the raws sorry guys!
As always, I'm a big fan of the guitar tone in this one. Drums and bass are great tonality wise as well. Vocals are strong. Lots of lowend which I think is a good thing, the bass sounds huge. Only thing striking me is that there could be a little more room in the mix for the kick and snare to punch through more clearly. There's probably just a little too much around the 1k area in the guitars which is masking them a little. It's by no means bad, but just take a look at it and see if a cut there makes things a little clearer
Cheers dude! Glad you like it. I've tweaked it all a bit, and I'm pretty much concrete with how it is now, so check out the new mix that's up now :) That's probably the clencher!