First time REAL DRUMS: Thoughts?


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys!
Had some free time in a studio just recently and decided to record drums for a song we will be making a film clip to at some point.

Chances are we will be getting Ermz to mix this thing, but I thought I'd have a hand at mixing the Drums/ Guits and Bass while I had some free time.

The drums are 80% sample/ 20% real snare. Kick is 60% sample/ 40% real.

I just want your thoughts on the mix so far! I spent a few hours on it all up :)

Cheers guys.

PS. Drums have not been edited at all yet, so it's all the real playing no choppy choppy yet, first time drumming to a metronome, always fun haha!
I like it man, the toms are too boomy though.

That's all that I really noticed, and the overheads sound great :)

For not editing it at all that's some good drumming.
Cheers for all that guys!

I'm glad the overhead came up well, that was sorta the MAIN hope for the session as obviously the rest can be sampled etc :P

Yeah, my brother did a decent job so it makes my life easier when editing lol!

The toms DO shit me up the wall, I just don't know how to deal with them to be honest, any ideas??

As for the snare, hmm I didn't really think of it being flat, but if so, what would help make it seem a little more lively??

Cheers guys and thanks again.

Also, do you think the guitars and bass sit well??
I'm digging the guitars and bass, good job on those as well.

As for the toms, where are you rolling them off at? And what does their EQ look like? Any sidechaining?
I will not tell a lie...

I actually haven't used side chaining before, Ermz has given me the run down on some shit including multibrand compresson and drum bus compression (which I haven't done either)

So what u hear is essentially each track treated individually etc :)
Cheers. Yeah the drums a are too verby! I'll be working on that soon!

Anything else guys. Apparently I've been told the bass is way to low!