BIG heavy sloppy guitar sound


Supreme Master of Nothing
Sep 10, 2007
I've always been in the world of tight...tight...tight (I speaking about guitar sounds :) ) Now I want to start working on getting that big heavy and sloppy guitar sound such as Hail of Bullets or Lupara. I've already tried the quad tracking's closer, but certainly not close enough. Room mics? Verb? Something else?

What is involved in the tracking and post tracking? Danke.
Sounds like their using Marshalls. But, there has to be a production element to this too.
Triple Rectifiers with no boost can get a really nice spongy loose kind of sound, especially with something like a Les Paul or SG (with no EMGs).
My initial impression of that clip is play single notes not chords, add some slight vibrato to the notes ( with your hands ) and generally speaking that tone is too tight for kind of music you described being the goal. With the single notes and some slight vibrato, a nice bass track and a second guitar track also doing vibrato a tad ( presumably not exactly the same ) I would think you'd get a nice sorta churning sounding. Not sure what to tell you about the tone. I've always made it a point to make my sound real tight so I guess using a logical approach, do the opposite of what you'd do to tighten up a guitar sound?
I don't know if it's quite as loose as what you were going for, but it sounds good! Since you can't get a new rig or anything like that, try a fuzz pedal of some sort.