Big Libs want to raise gas taxes to fix bridges


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Here's a rant to carry ya through the weekend. Fuckin liberal bolsheviks want to raise gasoline taxes to fix old bridges...

Am I the only one out there who thinks these fat bastards in Washington have gone completely mad?

Terry Hunt, the Associated Press quizzes George Bush:

"Mr. President, the former chairman of House transportation committee said there is about 500 bridges around the country like the one that collapsed in Minneapolis. They now have other transportation committee members who are recommending an increase in federal gas taxes to pay for repairs. Would you be willing to go along with an increase in gasoline taxes of 5 cents a gallon or more?"

Fortunately, George W. suggested Congress should prioritize the vast amounts of gas tax money they already collect, and fix bridges FIRST.

These fuckin green hippy libs drive me bonkers! They are so irresponsible that they wanna raise gas taxes right when gas is most expensive!

Our elected representatives don't want to help us. They don't want to get more oil onto the market to drive down prices! Hell no!

They think by raising prices higher and higher, we'll all suddenly give up automobiles and adopt bicycles and fuckin rickshaws!

They think they'll make gas unaffordable and FORCE us to change our lives and adopt their bizarre fantasy of how America should operate.

Oh yeah! That goddamned energy bill I was complaining about is still out there. It doesn't solve one single problem. All it does is add on a FAT layer of tax and make us all pay for a hundred new hippy environmentalism programs designed NOT to help our energy independence!


How these rich fat bastards cruise around in their limousines, thinking we're the lazy, selfish idiots!

So George W. suggested prioritizing gas tax expenditures to fix old bridges. Which is perhaps what Minneapolis should've done with its FAT highway budget, instead of letting its well-used bridges rot while hippies engineer an astronomically expensive light railway between the downtown and the airport, which nobody will be using... but WILL need constant funds for maintenance and administrator's salaries and pensions.

Oh yeah. Let the existing infrastructure rot while new liberal-friendly fantasies get funded by you and me...

I swear, I want a "Fuck gas taxes" T-shirt!!

[I don't think the funding to fix bridges will be there after the "Brooklyn Tornado Shield" funding is secured by Bloomberg.
...WTF are they doing with the gas tax they are already getting? I bet it's going to ear marks....I think I read somewhere that the federal gas tax is like
.60 a gallon...
...WTF are they doing with the gas tax they are already getting? I bet it's going to ear marks....I think I read somewhere that the federal gas tax is like
.60 a gallon...

I would say most of it goes to those millions of Americans who are unwilling to do anything for themselves and feel that the government must pay their way and give them handouts.

And lets not forget the INSANE amount of military aid we give out to about 200 fucking countries in this world. THAT needs to end ASAP.
I would say most of it goes to those millions of Americans who are unwilling to do anything for themselves and feel that the government must pay their way and give them handouts.

And lets not forget the INSANE amount of military aid we give out to about 200 fucking countries in this world. THAT needs to end ASAP.

Don't expect our lefty candidates for President to help. Hitlery Rotten Clinton's already on the record as saying we should pull our troops out of Iraq and just give the money we're spending directly to Baghdad. Obama and Edwards also suggested similar ideas, as though great, big walls of cash are stronger than armoured tanks!

Oh yeah, good idea. Bill Clinton "reduced the size of government" back in 1993 by slashing the shit out of the army, and increasing unemployment with so many base closings.

Let's do that again! Let's also make sure those evil-doers in Halliburton don't get any more govt. contracts, but just hand over the tens of billions diredctly to the Iraqi parliament! Oh yeah. They'll spend the money wisely!

Let's just make sure as much American money goes to the dumpy corrupt dictatorships all over the world while a million Americans are left without jobs.

Madame President Rodham-Clinton, anyone?

Don't expect our lefty candidates for President to help. Hitlery Rotten Clinton's already on the record as saying we should pull our troops out of Iraq and just give the money we're spending directly to Baghdad. Obama and Edwards also suggested similar ideas, as though great, big walls of cash are stronger than armoured tanks!

Oh yeah, good idea. Bill Clinton "reduced the size of government" back in 1993 by slashing the shit out of the army, and increasing unemployment with so many base closings.

Let's do that again! Let's also make sure those evil-doers in Halliburton don't get any more govt. contracts, but just hand over the tens of billions diredctly to the Iraqi parliament! Oh yeah. They'll spend the money wisely!

Let's just make sure as much American money goes to the dumpy corrupt dictatorships all over the world while a million Americans are left without jobs.

Madame President Rodham-Clinton, anyone?


Ehh, I hate giving money to 1.) other countries 2.) poor lazy people

Id rather funnel that cash into a program to eliminate the homeless (read..not help, but eliminate) and all those begging peddlers and hitchhikers.
Ehh, I hate giving money to 1.) other countries 2.) poor lazy people

Id rather funnel that cash into a program to eliminate the homeless (read..not help, but eliminate) and all those begging peddlers and hitchhikers.

I hear ya. How about, every time some leech steps into a small room to receive his welfare check, a viking battle axe splits him down the middle, and his remains are quickly processed into animal feed to make up for the grain shortages from the government's ethanol mandates?

My point was not to sing the praises of our billion-dollar-a-day expenditure in Iraq or people's dependency on government jobs--I can't do anything about that, because its too late! We're stuck in Iraq and a higher percentage of free Americans work for the government than did soviet citizens for the USSR!

Remember the federal government shut-down in 1995? People were filmed wandering the streets all glassy-eyed, like they were a bunch of crackheads denied their bad shit!

Nah. Welfare recipients, government employees, and jailed coke fiends: they're the same damned class of dog shit.

I will say this again and again until I'm blue in the face. The FIRST thing we have to do is get control of the money. HOW You asked? By not letting the Government take the tax money out of our paychecks. We must pay taxes at the end of the year like we did prior to WW2. When the middle class finally realize how much money they are actually paying each year they will stop being lazy and PAY attention to what the politicians are really doing.
I will say this again and again until I'm blue in the face. The FIRST thing we have to do is get control of the money. HOW You asked? By not letting the Government take the tax money out of our paychecks. We must pay taxes at the end of the year like we did prior to WW2. When the middle class finally realize how much money they are actually paying each year they will stop being lazy and PAY attention to what the politicians are really doing.

But withholdings make it SO EASY to GIIIIIVE to the government so they can help the needy administrative bureaucrats and disabled folk who go jogging in the wee hours of the morning!

So, so easy!

I used to underpay my taxes so I'd have to cut a check for about $700 or $800 every March. Just enough to feel the choking claws of the government, but not so much as to have to pay a fine for owing more than a $1000.

If I were able, I'd lead a publicity campaign to punish those fat bastards in congress by having tens of millions of Americans WITHHOLD tax from the IRS.

Sort of treat federal tax as the Stamp Act, which caused our colonial forebears to go totally apeshit.

Oh yes, there'd be casualties. The IRS wouldn't have the resources to attack all 50,000,000 delinquents. They'd go after the old and infirmed, as they usually do. The easy targets, the ones who're supposed to fill out the 1099EZ forms.

Only one problem.

Americans are such goody goody slaves to the federal government, that scarcely anyone would make even the smallest demonstration of civil disobedience such as that.

I'd be arrested for inciting revolution (i.e., asking people not to file tax returns) and thrown into prison, while the few brave souls who failed to file are the ones who normally don't file anyway, and they'd be trampled by some foaming-mouth IRS nutcase with a chip on his shoulder from the 4th grade.

Oh well.

I can dream.

"IRS reports cash crisis to capitol hill as April 15th deadline passes with tax receipts down 40%"

It'd be sweeter than the 1995 federal government shut-down.

Why give your money to some fatcat liberal? Give them to a poor one like me instead! And I´ll fix the bridges and give you tax returns and change the national anthem to "I saw your mommy" and always say: "Yes, I did have sex with that woman, and I did Natalie Portman too. But I only fingered Clare Danes because you dragged me away to this fucking hearing!"

Danny Ayalon, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States, told Israel's Army Radio. "They see Israel not only as a sister country, as a democracy, but also as the most stabilizing force in the Middle East that maintains American interests in the region."

How is Israel a stabilizing force in the middle east and what American interests do they maintain?
Danny Ayalon, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States, told Israel's Army Radio. "They see Israel not only as a sister country, as a democracy, but also as the most stabilizing force in the Middle East that maintains American interests in the region."

How is Israel a stabilizing force in the middle east and what American interests do they maintain?

good question. Maybe they unite Arabs into targeting them as their one true enemy, instead of themselves.
B]How is Israel a stabilizing force in the middle east and what American interests do they maintain?[/B]

The Hebrew sort of interests, naturally!

With congress boasting a higher percentage of internationalist jewry than ever before, don't expect any dispute over how much of our paychecks are headed to the land of dime-grabbers.

this country sucks, Im moving to canada where they dont tase you over weed.

There are many things about this country that suck. Does it really suck that bad that you would move to Canada? Canada is a fine country but, it pales in comparison to the USA.
I live less than an hour from the Canadian border. Before I was legal to drink in the US, I would go there to drink and check out the strip bars (which are full of hot Romanian and Philipino tang on work visas looking for a hubby). Other than being more tolerant of weed and letting their strippers go full nude. Canada is a lot more restrictive than the US. The Gov't is involved in everything. Take radio for example. It is law that at least two Canadian artists have to be played on the radio each hour. Now, I like the Killer Dwarfs as much as the next guy but, enough is enough.
Anyway, if you pass through Rochester NY on your way up there, look me up.
Cheers :kickass:
There are many things about this country that suck. Does it really suck that bad that you would move to Canada? Canada is a fine country but, it pales in comparison to the USA.
I live less than an hour from the Canadian border. Before I was legal to drink in the US, I would go there to drink and check out the strip bars (which are full of hot Romanian and Philipino tang on work visas looking for a hubby). Other than being more tolerant of weed and letting their strippers go full nude. Canada is a lot more restrictive than the US. The Gov't is involved in everything. Take radio for example. It is law that at least two Canadian artists have to be played on the radio each hour. Now, I like the Killer Dwarfs as much as the next guy but, enough is enough.
Anyway, if you pass through Rochester NY on your way up there, look me up.
Cheers :kickass:

I agree 100%! Do some things blow in America? Sure! Do they really effect most people? Not really. I personally have been to over 37 countries in this small world of ours, and with the exception of Czech republic, Luxemborg, and France, I have spent more than a week in each of them. Like Vincent Vega says, they have the same shit, but with minor differences. That is true. Landing in Germany, I thought I was back in Tennessee..until the I heard the German, got the orange flavored coke, and coke in my beer. I knew I wasnt in Kansas anymore. But what did I see? I saw the Polezei ripping apart some random kids car as school let out. These dudes got to pick anyone they wanted, no probably cause. Look weird in the airport? Get ready to have a HK machine gun put in your face. Let's say you're in Iceland (lived there for over a year.) Cops dont like the way you look, they pull you over and forcefully take a blood sample for alcohol testing, as you sit in jail awaiting your fate, innocent or not. Yet they have 100% literacy and free healthcare, awesome place.

I have been to alot of places, and not to knock any countries, cuz they all have had their great points (even dirty arab countries) but none of them compare to the USA. Spend any amount of time anywhere else and you will eventually realize you have taken advantage of many things. Hell, stumbling out at 4am to waffle house is a big one. Think you can do that in Europe? Shit no! There isn't any 24 hour anything besides cops that I remember. I haven't partied in England so I can't attest. I am sure can get some fried bread and beans anytime I want though.

As retarded as many things are here in the USA, it still beats 100% of the rest of the world. People who say different, are usually just homesick wankers who don't like being away from their mommies tit.:err: