Big Muff Modded for Doom Tone


Frozen Sun Audio
Nov 19, 2010
Here is an example of a Big Muff π that I modded for doom metal tones with more saturation and a more extreme mid scoop, but balanced with a more immediate attack than your typical muff. The tone for this clip is ampless, just a Strat with DiMarzio Super Distortion into Maxon OD808 then modded Muff, straight into DAW, with a Greenback Impulse. Big Muff Test (NBC).mp3
Here is an example of a Big Muff π that I modded for doom metal tones with more saturation and a more extreme mid scoop, but balanced with a more immediate attack than your typical muff. The tone for this clip is ampless, just a Strat with DiMarzio Super Distortion into Maxon OD808 then modded Muff, straight into DAW, with a Greenback Impulse. Big Muff Test (NBC).mp3

Doesn't sound bad at all. But, if you want to really bring the doom, kill the tone on the bridge pup.
interesting. i had a russian big muff for years and hated it on everything but bass.

Hitting it with an 808 in front really does the trick, especially with those older Ram's Head Muffs. Picked that up from Gilmour.

Doesn't sound bad at all. But, if you want to really bring the doom, kill the tone on the bridge pup.

Haha, true.