Big poll : how many "producers" don't play guitars ?

What instrument can you play decently ?

  • I play the guitar

    Votes: 82 91.1%
  • I play another instrument

    Votes: 6 6.7%
  • I can't play an instrument excepted the one between my legs

    Votes: 2 2.2%

  • Total voters


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
Hi guys,

Just wanted to see how many producers, pro or amateurs, don't play guitar, or maybe don't play an instrument.

In metal at least, it seems like every fucking producer can play guitar, and most of the time, quite decently. :)
been playing guitar long before i took an interest in the engineering side of it.


Also drums, bass, keys and vocals. I think it's very important to play various instruments - it gives a very different perspective.
Don't really play much guitar anymore, focusing on vocals and drums and other stuff more nowadays, I'm sure I'll return to the guitar some point. But yeah, my guitar playing lead to recording and getting more into recording meant that became my primary focus.
I play guitar, bass, drums, a tiny bit of piano/keyboards, and I can sing just just just JUST barely enough to describe ideas/harmonies/what I want.

I feel like having at least a basic understanding of a lot of instruments is a very important trait in a producer.
Well the guitar is my main instrument, but I have also played piano, some drums and vocals. Clean and growl. It definitey helps you undersand the cohesion instruments should share :)
I have played guitar long before I decided to record my music, I also played piano (my mother was a piano teacher when I was young) quite a bit as a child, but was never really accomplished at it - I'm glad I have basic keyboard skills as it has helped quite a bit when working with other instruments.
Honestly, I don't play a lot of guitar any more. Pretty sad, but the engineering side is more fun to me.

+1, happened to me too. Nowadays, most often when I feel like having fun with playing music, I end up messing around with electronic stuff instead of picking up the guitar.

Besides guitar, I can also play drums okay. I'm in the process of trying to learn how to sing and figuring out keyboards. I'll be getting some piano lessons at school after the summer vacation is over, I hope I'm going to be a fast learner since it's something I've always wanted to know how to play, and it should also help me a lot with figuring out music theory stuff.
Well I can't shred or shit, but I can tremolo pick and play sludge metal :D

I think it helps knowing about different instruments, because then you really know what a band want, or at least have a better idea about what kind of shit they want.
Well it helps to be able to play guitar well, because then you can take their shitty playing, mute it, and play their terrible songs yourself.

They'll still be terrible songs, but at least they'll be tight terrible songs.
I don't play guitar....yet. I've been playing drums for almost 8 years, and needless to say I have made the most progress recording drums more than any other instrument. However, I did buy a bass to practice on, yet I'm still not very good.

This summer though, I intend to purchase a PRS Tremonti to start learning how to play, partly because the guitarist in my band left and I decided to take on the challenge and learn how to play, and also because my guitar tone capturing skills are lackluster.

I did learn a lot from these forums though, reading about the endeavours of so many (talented too!) guitarists and general all rounders.