Big Stadium Rock Mix (Session file and S2.0 preset included)


Apr 24, 2009
Bath, UK
Hi guys

This is a short clip to demonstrate my Superior 2.0 Rock Drums preset, which can be accessed here:

I have adjusted the levels to suit the mix, but I have not touched any of the processing apart from adding some more low end to the kick drum.

Here's the Logic session files for this clip so you can see what I've done:'s Big Rock

The guitar tracks are my Blackmachine B2 Burl with Bare Knuckle Aftermath pickups, through my Axe-FX running the "Marsha HBE" model. Bass is Trilian, but I have bounced it down as a wav so that it's usable by all.

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Thanks dude, I doubt I will write any amount of material in this style in the near future, but I've got some a client's project coming up that is similar. It won't be an identical mix, but probably quite close :)