Big Time Underground Tour! Armageddon 2005!!

ENFORCER is kicking off 'Armageddon 2005', Take The Music Back Tour, featuring the best underground kick-ass Metal bands, "Super Villain" from NYC, "Brown Sox" from New Orleans, "Darling Sinister" and "Sewn Shut" from Texas, "Flatline" and "Getto Death" from California, just to name a few. If by chance you know of any bands who kick-ass and promote themselves well, send them to me..

"Armageddon 2005' is about indies such as myself and the alliances I am forming with people in various regions, coming together, and kicking some musical ass, in essence we will kick the Jager Tour in the ass, we have support bands in, and from every region. 'Armageddon 2005' is a call to arms, it's the 'real music' revolution, presently we can attack any region with a minimum of 20 bands. We want as many bands as we can get, we will saturate areas with shows until our bands will be the only bands being discussed. This will be a national tour, this will be a year long tour.

For more information give me an email at