sounds of the underground tour??

Evil C.

Jan 19, 2003
houston, tx
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anybody else heard of this??

For Immediate Release
March 7th 2005



Independent label powerhouses Ferret MUSIC, Prosthetic RECORDS,

Trustkill RECORDS and Metal Blade RECORDS, along with sponsors MUSICCHOICE, Revolver, Pure and Hot Topic join together with 18 of the hottest bands in the metal and hardcore scenes toPresent the SOUNDS OF THE UNDERGROUND TOUR 2005. The tour is scheduled to run June 25 through the end of July. The SOUNDS OF THE UNDERGROUND will be an all day event with music starting each day at noon and will be held in both indoor and outdoor venues in the US and Canada.

Confirmed bands:


A special half-time performance will be made by GWAR mid way thru the show. MADBALL and TERROR will be splitting the East and West portions of the tour. Regional appearances will be made by: THE RED CHORD (East coast markets), FEAR BEFORE THE MARCH OF FLAMES (Midwest and Southeast markets), and HIMSA (Western markets) on the tour.

prices for Sounds of the Underground will be kept as cheap as possible; nearly all advance tickets will be under $30. Organizers

of the tour are ticket price sensitive and will be sure to pass along info on how and where to beat overdone surcharges as well as offer advance tickets online before tickets go on sale to the public.

Cool idea. even though I despise half of the bands, I will probably go to this show.

evil c.

I'd say that it looks like quite the boring tour with the exception of Opeth (although they reputedly don't have a great live show, I can't say this from experience) and Strapping Young Lad.

sounds of the underground? UNDERGROUND??? feh...
Doesn't sound like a very underground group of bands for the "Sounds of the Underground" Tour. Haven't heard a lot of them, but I think I can tell they're shit just by the names. There is one band on that list I would go to see, I bet you can't guess which one. :Smug:

Oh yeah, fuck Devildriver, they play shitty music really loud in an effort to hurt your hearing and waste 45 minutes of your time.
Oh wait... I missed that second part: HALF TIME SHOW BY GWAR!!! YES!!! BLOOD AND SEMEN!!! (I still don't think it would be worth going just for that though)
I'm interested in Opeth, High on Fire, and SYL. I did like the first Norma Jean album, but haven't heard the new one.
Opeth17 said:
Doesn't sound like a very underground group of bands for the "Sounds of the Underground" Tour.

That's what I thought as well. I also get an impression of "if we put loads of hardcore bands on we'll be being really open-minded and hardcore kids will be our friends" :err:

Though it's good for you if you're into that kind of thing and live in the US :loco: if something like that happened over here I probably wouldn't take much convincing to go...
opeth? gwar? high on fire? SYL!??! CLUTCH?!?!!!

and then all those shit bands? wtf?

I'm so torn, I don't know whether it'd be worth it to go, and suffer through all that crap, or not go, and end up missing out on a few good bands. I'd say its definitely worth it for $30 though.

edit: and worth it for all that semen
Opeth17 said:
Haven't heard a lot of them, but I think I can tell they're shit just by the names.

That rules. It's wrong, yet there is so much truth to it. :tickled:

(For years, I avoided "The Lord Weird Slough Feg" just 'cos of the name).
JayKeeley said:
That rules. It's wrong, yet there is so much truth to it. :tickled:

(For years, I avoided "The Lord Weird Slough Feg" just 'cos of the name).

Yep. Also bands like Pink Cream 69, Dew Scented, etc. It's hard to want to take a band seriously the first time around when their name makes it look like they are anything but serious about their craft. I guess the ol' adage is true however, never judge a book by its cover.
heh yeah. the good thing about so many crappy bands is that you get automatic break periods during the day, without having to worry about missing a good band.

evil c.
JayKeeley said:
(For years, I avoided "The Lord Weird Slough Feg" just 'cos of the name).
See now here's another case, a different one. How could you avoid a band with a name so UTTERLY FUCKING BADASS as this!? Even if Slough Feg sucked some hairy nutz (which they don't, duh), I'd still say "they have a pretty cool name." :D
When I was coming home for Christmas on the airplane last December I met a grindcore nut who was sitting next to me and explained to me that he spent his time looking out of the way for the most ridiculous band names ever. Cock and Ball Torture for example.
Uncle Bob Drives a Combine > the rest

Also I have unique Bic pen / envelope artwork from those dudes, shows a robot zapping a gopher with lazer beam eyes. Caption reads: "robots hate gophers." There's also a rainbow in the background. Fucking killer.
One Inch Man said:
See now here's another case, a different one. How could you avoid a band with a name so UTTERLY FUCKING BADASS as this!? Even if Slough Feg sucked some hairy nutz (which they don't, duh), I'd still say "they have a pretty cool name." :D

Yeah, I would think that now I suppose. Maybe not....who knows. It all depends on WHERE I discover the band, or WHO tells me about them.

But when you have bands called Norma Jean, Poison the Well, Everytime I Die, Throwdown etc. there is a definite stench of -core about them. :D

You know, although I don't want to 'judge books by their covers', I pretty much know what films like "Stop or my Mom will shoot", "How Stella got her groove back", "How to lose a guy in 10 days", and "Don't tell Mom the babysitter's dead" will be like before having to rent the DVD. Same applies to bands that listen to too much Hatebreed and felch each others mothers.
Yeah you can sometimes tell what a band is probably going to sound like and safely pass them up, but you can't write them off until hearing them. Gotta go by the music man, the music.

Which reminds me, I still want to hear Poison the Well. Maybe someday I will!
I have some Poison the Well albums. TBH, they are not that bad. If you like early Hopesfall and early Cave In, you'll dig PtW. PtW get a bad wrap because they are more popular, though. However, Hopesfall and Cave In are soooooo much better , so go with them if you really want that sound.

ANd you people better not be lumpng my beloved CLutch in with these crap bands. They are the only stoner-ish band on there, unless you count High on Fire, who is more doom-ish.

Other than Clutch (who I've heard slay in a live setting), High on Fire, and SYL, I don't give a crap. Opeth is a bore on stage.