Bill Lawrence (OBL) L-500 Pickup???


Jan 31, 2007
Anyone familiar with this pickup? Is it similar to anything from Seymour Duncan? I'm trying to get an idea what it sounds like.


I had an original L500XL. Very awesome, VERY trebly. The Seymour Duncan Dimebucker is kiiiinda sorta an imitation of it (since Dime used BL Pickups) but it's horribly quacky and honky. The L500 is an awesome pickup in the right guitar. Tons of attack, very hot - think Nuno Bettencourt.
Thanks for the comments, guys. Yeah, I know that Wilde pickups is the place to order from in order to get the "real deal" pickups. Apparently, Bill still has the old equipment used to build and test the pickups to his original specs...

I'd be putting one in the bridge of a mahogany body, maple neck, ebony fretboard guitar with a Floyd. This particular guitar has a thick tone, so bright would be good, I think. As long as it's not a harsh tone.
i like mine, but i would not put it in anything except a solid, thick bodied guitar. i had it in my SG and it didnt sound too great, but it is a good match for my ibanez PRS copy guitar. like the posters said above, very hot pickup with lots of treble.
Thanks. Yeah, this guitar is around 8-1/2 pounds, with a fairly thick tone. Some pickups can sound "fizzy" in it, though. Best pickup from Duncan I've found for it so far is the JB because to rolls off some of the highs but has some good upper mids.
I think this pup would work perfectly in a mahogany body / mahogany neck combination. A friend has the Dimebucker, and personally I hated it, it sounded really bad, it was a Dean ML (Don't remember the exact model, but I'm pretty sure it was a ML 79)

EDIT: When I say: "This pup" I mean the 500XL