Precision bass pickup. Active? Passive?


Mar 9, 2009
I've got an SX bass that I got a few months ago. I really like the playability of the thing. I'm not a bass player, but I like having the option to play bass, plus... if anyone comes in with a really fucked up bass, then I have one that I look after.

Anyway, I'm wanting to upgrade the pickup in it as it's not the greatest. I'm looking for something versatile. The two pickups I'm looking at are EMG's and the Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound pickup.

Anyone got any experience with either?
Maybe I'm a traditionalist, but THE P-Bass tone comes from a no-frills passive pickups. Lollar and Fralin make some amazing P-Bass pickups. I had a Quarter Pounder in my P and HATED it, swapped it for a stock Fralin and it sounded great. The Quarter Pounder was just all bass and volume and no tone at all.

The pickup's winding plays a big part in its overall tone:

More winding / overwound = more bass and output, less treble and mids
Stock winding = baseline, relatively balanced bass/mid/treble
Less winding / underwound = less bass and output, more treble and mids
I think you could be onto something there Cory. I might even just look for a set of Fender USA pickups on eBay