Bill Ward Threatens to Quit Black Sabbath.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
The Black Sabbath reunion has hit another speed bump. Last month Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi announced that he was diagnosed with lymphoma, forcing to band to move their recording sessions to London and reportedly pull out of a planned Coachella headlining slot. Now drummer Bill Ward has issued a long statement indicating that he will not participate in the reunion unless he is presented with “signable contract” that “reflects some dignity and respect toward me as an original member of the band.”

This is not the first time that Ward has publicly battled with Black

Sabbath’s management team. In 2004, Sharon Osbourne announced that Faith No More’s Mike Bordin would be filling in for Ward on the Ozzfest tour. “Last week I did receive a proposal which allowed no room for negotiation,” Ward said at the time. “It was a cul-de-sac proposal, in my opinion, where the only answer was yes or no.” The two parties eventually came to an agreement before the tour, and Ward did participate.

Ward was also going to play drums in the Ronnie James Dio-era Black Sabbath reunion (billed as Heaven and Hell) in 2006, but he backed out for unknown reasons. Let’s all hope that the two parties are able to come together this time. Below is the complete text of Bill Ward’s letter.

Dear Sabbath Fans, Fellow Musicians and Interested Parties,

At this time, I would love nothing more than to be able to proceed with the Black Sabbath album and tour. However, I am unable to continue unless a “signable” contract is drawn up; a contract that reflects some dignity and respect toward me as an original member of the band. Last year, I worked diligently in good faith with Tony, Ozzy and Geezer. And on 11/11/11, again in good faith, I participated in the L.A. press conference. Several days ago, after nearly a year of trying to negotiate, another “unsignable” contract was handed to me.

Let me say that although this has put me in some kind of holding pattern, I am packed and ready to leave the U.S. for England. More importantly, I definitely want to play on the album, and I definitely want to tour with Black Sabbath.

Since the news of Tony’s illness, and the understanding that the band would move production to the U.K., I’ve spent every day getting to or living in a place of readiness to leave. That involves something of a task, and as I’ve tried to find out what’s going on with the U.K. sessions, I’ve realized that I’ve been getting “the cold shoulder” (and, I might add, not for the first time). Feeling somewhat ostracized, my guess is as of today, I will know nothing of what’s happening unless I sign “the unsignable contract.”

The place I’m in feels lousy and lonely because as much as I want to play and participate, I also have to stand for something and not sign on. If I sign as-is, I stand to lose my rights, dignity and respectability as a rock musician. I believe in freedom and freedom of speech. I grew up in a hard rock/metal band. We stood for something then, and we played from the heart with honesty and sincerity. I am in the spirit of integrity, far from the corporate malady, I am real and honest, fair and compassionate.
If I’m replaced, I have to face you, the beloved Sabbath fans. I hope you will not hold me responsible for the failure of an original Black Sabbath lineup as promoted. Without fault finding, I want to assure everyone that my loyalty to Sabbath is intact.

So here I am. I lay my truth down before you. I’m good to go IF I get a “signable” contract. I don’t want to let anyone down, especially Black Sabbath and all the Sabbath fans. You know I love you. It would be a sad day in Rock if this current situation fell to the desires of a few.

My position is not greed-driven. I’m not holding out for a “big piece” of the action (money) like some kind of blackmail deal. I’d like something that recognizes and is reflective of my contributions to the band, including the reunions that started fourteen years ago. After the last tour I vowed to never again sign on to an unreasonable contract. I want a contract that shows some respect to me and my family, a contract that will honor all that I’ve brought to Black Sabbath since its beginning.

That’s the story so far.

Stay safe and stay strong.

I love every single one of you.

– Bill Ward


Sorry for the laughter but I was sure from the beginning the reunion was heading for disaster (read Sharon will screw it up). If I wasn't at all looking for something like Tony's illness, I was expecting this kind of friction to surface any minute.

I think BS should have been put to sleep with "Reunion", and since HAH it's not possible due to Dio's passing, just move on.
I would be quitecontent withVinny behind the kit.

I wouldn't mind either, but the point is, if it's not going to be Mk.I then why a reunion?

I rather have Tony and Geezer call Tony Martin and find any good drummer to fit the position for that matters, and make a new band (since BS is protected by SharonOPA) it Headless Cross, Sabbath Stones, something like that :cool:
Bill Ward has always been a little crazy, maybe more than Ozzy. It's a shame they can't just say "Whatever you want Bill, you're an original member of Black Sabbath and it won't be the same without you". But looks like Ozzy and Tony think they're running the whole show. Well let me tell you it ain't Black Sabbath without Bill Ward it becomes something else. I wouldn't pay money to see a wannabe Black Sabbath reunion when they could of got the original lineup if they could manage to get their heads out of their asses.
I'm less interested without Bill, I think he's important to this. Also, while I realize Tony (I think) owns the name, and they maybe bought Bill out years ago when he first left...I still think doing this thing any other way than 25% each is unfair. With all the water under the bridge, and the size of Ozzy and Tony's bank accounts, there is no reason not too.
I can see why Bill feels insulted...if he's being treated like a hired gun.

Also, Sabbath made an anouncement today that they are moving on without Bill. Again, I'm less interested because of this. I don't mind much though, as I saw Sabbath on the first reunion (which ruled), and as far as I'm concerned Ozzy is all used up at this point. He has nothing to say or sing that I care to hear. People complain that Metallica has sullied their reputation since the original (fantastic) albums, but it's the same for Ozzy. Nothing he's done since the 80s has had any vitality to it for my money. The last one I own is Bark at the Moon, though I admit one or two after that were at least ok.
Nothing he's done since the 80s has had any vitality to it for my money. The last one I own is Bark at the Moon, though I admit one or two after that were at least ok.

No More Tears & about half of Ozzmosis were pretty solid. Since then... not so much.
I'm less interested without Bill, I think he's important to this. Also, while I realize Tony (I think) owns the name, and they maybe bought Bill out years ago when he first left...I still think doing this thing any other way than 25% each is unfair. With all the water under the bridge, and the size of Ozzy and Tony's bank accounts, there is no reason not too.
I can see why Bill feels insulted...if he's being treated like a hired gun.
Well let me tell you it ain't Black Sabbath without Bill Ward it becomes something else. I wouldn't pay money to see a wannabe Black Sabbath reunion when they could of got the original lineup if they could manage to get their heads out of their asses.

My point exactly. If the whole thing it's too put the BS with Ozzy, then Bill HAS to go in too for a 1/4 of the benefits.

If not, better kick out Shozzy, get someone else change the name and go on. If it was working with HAH I'm sure they could come with something.

The soap opera so far:

BLACK SABBATH members Tony Iommi, Ozzy Osbourne and Geeer Butler have vowed to continue recording their new album without Bill Ward after the drummer announced that he will not be able to participate in the recording of the reunited band’s new album or perform with them on tour unless he is presented with what he described as a “fair agreement” and a “signable contract” that financially reflects his contributions to SABBATH’s history and his standing as a founding member of the band.
In response, Iommi, Osbourne and Butler have issued the following statement:

“We were saddened to hear yesterday via Facebook that Bill declined publicly to participate in our current BLACK SABBATH plans… We have no choice but to continue recording without him although our door is always open… We are still in the U.K. with Tony. Writing and recording the new album and on a roll… See you at Download!!!”

SABBATH is scheduled to release its new album later this year and is confirmed to play the U.K.’s Download festival in June. All other tour plans, however, are up in the air pending Iommi’s ability to overcome his illness.

OK, now the casino is open. Who will play the drums now?
Nothing he's done since the 80s has had any vitality to it for my money.

You obviously haven't listened to No More Tears, which I would argue is every bit as good as his first 2 albums.

After hearing Sabbath with Dio, Sabbath with Ozzy to me became so boring and bland. Sure the riffs were good, it was influential and everything, but Dio just took the band to a new level and made each song infinitely more interesting.
The first thing I didn't like about the Sabbath reunion announcement was that they were going to tour first and then record a new album. We've already had a Sabbath reunion with the Reunion album and tour back in '98. I want new music from the Sabs first and then a tour.
Now we hear of Tony's illness and Bill's reluctance to be a hired gun, well, in that case I'd rather Tony and Geezer try to convince Ian Gillan to do an album with them and they can get Ian Paice to drum on it and I'll be more than happy.
I expect they'll just bring in Vinny to do the drums.
I'm just hoping that they don't try to get cute & bring in someone like Lars Ulrich, seeing as how Rick Rubin is involved.
You obviously haven't listened to No More Tears, which I would argue is every bit as good as his first 2 albums.

I agree with Brandon. Stopping at Bark at the Moon would be a mistake. I really like No Rest for the Wicked, and especially No More Tears, which has a ton of great songs on it. After NMT though, I'll agree that Ozzy hasn't put out anything noteworthy.

Now we hear of Tony's illness and Bill's reluctance to be a hired gun, well, in that case I'd rather Tony and Geezer try to convince Ian Gillan to do an album with them and they can get Ian Paice to drum on it and I'll be more than happy.

I still hope this happens one day. With the popularity of these classic bands playing whole albums in concert, can you imagine a Born Again tour? Woop! And that would just be a warm up for another studio album with Gillan on vocals. I don't know why Born Again was such a commercial flop because it's one of my favorite Sabbath albums and I still listen to it regularly.
I still hope this happens one day. With the popularity of these classic bands playing whole albums in concert, can you imagine a Born Again tour? Woop! And that would just be a warm up for another studio album with Gillan on vocals. I don't know why Born Again was such a commercial flop because it's one of my favorite Sabbath albums and I still listen to it regularly.

There are several factors depending on who you talk to.

a) production: the camp is divided between those who say that was a landmark on metal albums to come, and those who say it's muddy and faulty.

b) Gillan: he said in the "Last Supper" documentary he was the worst singer the band ever has. Some time before he said he exited Sabbath because he didn't like the occult atmosphere and the lyrics (???, he wrote the lyrics to the album!). In anycase Gillan seems to be comfortable only in Deep Purple.

c) fans: since Gillan era came after Dio, first it feels Iommi was picking the leftovers of Blackmore, and second instead of embracing the potential everybody claimed it was Deep Sabbath or Black Purple (singing 'Smoke In The Water' live didn't help IMO).
At the time it was Ozzy/Dio or nothing. Martin era came to prove the band was much more.

I doubt picking Gillan again will be the solution, Martin seems more suitable to carry on without Shozzy. I also prefer a semi-seasoned good vocalist over a young valor since I don't see the band carry it on much longer anyway (specially after Iommi's health situation).

But since money talks and you walk the walk, this will end with Tony, Geezer, Shozzy and a drummer from mallcore band playing Ozzpest or so trying to sell the true fans the idea the Sabbath is back and the next record will be "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath II". :(
Rumor from this site: have just been informed by a reliable source that Sharon Osbourne has fired Bill Ward. If this turns out to be true, as fully expected, then it won't go down well with the Metal community. understands that Bill's replacement will be Tommy Clufetos from the Ozzy Osbourne band.

True or false. There's a hint of light in the dark, Sharon is behind the whole mess!

I got an idea, lest spread the rumor that she insulted Mohammed. Let the Iranians take care of her!
OK, the soap opera it's getting hotter.

OZZY OSBOURNE’s wife/manager Sharon Osbourne has responded to internet rumors that she “fired” BLACK SABBATH drummer Bill Ward, after he announced last week that he could not participate in the band’s recording sessions in Birmingham until a “singable contract is drawn up.”

Osbourne wrote on Twitter: “I am not in any position to hire or fire anyone in Black Sabbath. I don’t manage the band, I manage my husband.”

Bill Ward’s son Aron Ward has posted a lengthy statement on the Black Sabbath Fans Facebook Page about the Black Sabbath “shit storm.” It reads as follows:

“the press is spinning this shit storm to read as if my dad has quit. this is not true. the guys know that. that's why they said the door is ALWAYS open.
my dad hasn't "declined" playing with black sabbath or "threatened" to pull out of this reunion.
as he stated his bags are packed and he's ready to go. he say's it loud and clear, he definitely wants to play on the album and he definitely wants to tour.
i know he's been committed to this project from the beginning all the way to the point everyone else flew off to the uk.
when i saw him over the summer he had this little cd case with him that had all the rehearsals and song ideas.
each cd was sharpie scrawled with rough titles and ideas they had been working on.
about a month ago my dad called me to let me know that Tony had been diagnosed with cancer. he said they were all flying over in the next couple of weeks to continue recording the album in the uk and begin rehearsals for the summer tours. he'd been rehearsing more than i've ever known him to. up till about 3 weeks ago he was working extremely hard and close with the other 3 on this album/reunion tour. he was in very good spirits and sounded excited to be writing with Tony, Geezer and Ozzy again.
i know if they sort this shit out you guys won't be disappointed.

i've always stayed out of my dad's business and would like nothing more than for everything to be worked out swiftly between the guys.
unfortunately it's become personal with all these idiots slagging off my dad so this is for the fucking morons saying
"get over it Bill" : my dad has "gotten over it" again and again. he's risen above this bullshit thing called showbiz for the last 30 years. he's respected because he's real and honest not just because he's a complete bad ass on the drums. he's been there for other musicians. in all kinds of circles - punk rock, hardcore, metal whatever. he was one of the first to get his head screwed back on after the 70's and get cleaned up. he's given so much support to so many people trying to pull themselves out of the hell called addiction. he tries so hard to stay in touch with the fans. he'll talk your ear off if you get a chance. he is humbled by your support and loves you.

"can't believe he needs to make this public" or "it's not the first time" : you're an idiot and have no idea what the hell's really going on. just shut the fuck up and keep the speculation and lies to yourself. what my dad posted was from his heart, on the level and as usual completely honest. he wants you to know what's really going on. that he has been given a contract that he can't sign. nothing more to it. no hidden agenda. disappointingly someone else is trying to shroud everything in some kind of x factor "yeah it's full steam ahead - we have no choice" bullshit. of course they have a choice.

"don't be so greedy" : he is by no means greedy man. if he was he would of settled with whatever contract given him. it's kind of obvious someone else is greedy. wake up. he lives in a modest home in southern california. pays rent like the rest of uz. in case your still blind look at it this way - sadly the current "sabbath" statement reads as if someone would rather see the remaining members play in front of thousands of disappointed, confused and resentful fans then give my dad a dignified agreement. additionally the record sales will be severely affected because it isn't the promised original line up. all this because of someone's inability to respect him as the committed founding member he is. this has derailed the fan's hopes of seeing the original line up and strongly divided the fans. what a way to fuck up such a powerful, influential and inspirational legacy for the rest of time.

"who cares, it's just a bunch pensioners" : i'm just as cynical about old rock legends getting back on the road "one more time" as anyone but this is BLACK SABBATH. they've never been a conventional band. thing is i know these guys have been rehearsing loads. over the last couple months. when i've caught up with my dad he's been talking about how heavy the jams have been and how hard he's been playing. do you think people were looking at miles davis, ornette coleman or max roach going "man these guys are boring and old" no! it's the music that's important, played by the masters themselves. thats what we want. they're here to teach us, inspire us and make us flip out. i saw the (captain beefhearts) magic band recently on tour and they were clearly the definite article. legends. completely schooled any new hip shiny processed hyped out mush you've been exposed to in the last couple years. there's no doubt that there are loads of new heavy as fuck bands out there but to me Black Sabbath are still totally relevant. it's pointless to bitch about their age. they will kick serious fucking ass. trust.

To Terry (my godfather) , Ozzy (my friend when i was little) and Tony (towering hero) i hope that you will listen to your fans. they want all of you together. as YOU are black sabbath so is my Dad. i hope you guys can work it out.

I agree with Brandon. Stopping at Bark at the Moon would be a mistake. I really like No Rest for the Wicked, and especially No More Tears, which has a ton of great songs on it. After NMT though, I'll agree that Ozzy hasn't put out anything noteworthy.

Don't forget The Ultimate Sin! It's actually my favourite Ozzy album. Very, very underrated. Much better than No Rest For The Wicked too! Jake E. Lee over Zak any day of the week...