Billy Mays died :(

Man I'm really bummed about this, I fucking loved that guy. Here's a video I'd like to post in his honor.

he was funny. this vid of infomercial outtakes (mostly of him, but with a couple other guys, and him in it with 'em as well, etc.) it's pretty funny, imo. and kinda makes me think he was just a nice guy in real life:

him and Ed McMahon were the saddest deaths of the whole month

i think farra's was the saddest, not only of recent celeb deaths, but in the tops of saddest celeb deaths (again, imo) but more of a sad releif, for me anyway. when just about anyone dies it's sad, but i saw the recient documentary they did on her in the hospial (along with interviews with her & her family) i didn't catch the beginning, but the part where i came in i watched it 'till the first commercial came on & i had to change it or i KNEW i was gonna start balling. i already felt tears starting to form within like a couple min. of waching it. just the interviews with her (just how weak & in pain she seeed to be) and the interviews with her family. noone should ever have to be on either side of that equation, imo. at least she's no in pain anymore. and i swear to all the supposed gods that has & ever will exist (even the flying spagetti mosnter) that i'll be pissed if someone makes a farah facet/anal cancer joke.

because that's just wrong (no matter who it is) making fun of bush getting a colonoscapy (sp?) and saying they finally found his head is one thing (hilarious comes to mind :P) but to make fun of someone because of the type of disease they had (or in this case the location/kind) is ignorant. and i know someone somewhere is cabable of it. unfortunitly someone will come up with one. wether it's next month or a decade from now or more, it'll probably happen. they've already got jokes fo all 4 of them! (some are good, and some are just wrong & the person should be stabbed)

some of the ones i liked:

first one: about the 3 + billy mays feat. bernie madoff:

"First it was Ed McMahon, then Farrah, then Michael Jackson, followed by Billy Mays.... and now in a shocking example of divine justice, Bernie Madoff........No, I'm sorry. He didn't really die, but it DID make you feel GOOD for a moment didn't it?"

"Mays, 50, was found unresponsive by his wife inside his Tampa, Fla., home at 7:45 a.m. on Sunday, according to the Tampa Police Department. Because of this, the 24 hour news channels will run nothing but Bill Mays infomercials during Michael Jackson tributes"

another with just the first 3 of 'em:

Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson and Ed McMahon all show up in heaven on the same day and Saint Peter greets them at the pearly gates, first he sees Farrah and he says, "Tell me what you did with your life."

Farrah says, "I never really did anything all that worthy, I was a TV and movie Actress."

Peter takes out the 1976 Poster of Farrah in the red bikini and he says, "This poster touched many young males in the 70s and 80s and helped guide them through adolescence... That's enough."

Next Michael comes up and Peter asks him, "What have you done worthwhile in your life?"

Having overheard Farrah he answers Peter by saying that he too had touched many young males in the 70's and 80s.

Peter takes out the 1982 "Thriller" album and says, "This album has sold more copies than any other album in the history of music. It went on to change music and inspire countless artists... that's enough."

Ed's next in line, and Peter asks him, "Well Ed, What have you done with your life?"

Ed figures he's a shoe in. He says I entertained millions on The Johnny Carson Show and TV's Bloopers and Practical Jokes, I was a philanthropist and gave to charity. I was a good man.

Peter takes out a publisher's clearing house envelope with Ed's picture on it and you may already be a winner scrawled across it.

Peter says, "I must have collected thosands of these over the years... THAT'S ENOUGH!"

And that's how Ed ended up in hell.

a billy mayes one:

"So it seems famous pitchmen Billy Mays died from instant heart failure. But just to be sure, police are searching his home and neighborhood for wadded-up shamwows and blood-stained slap-chops. "

there's a tonof 'em oline (to kill time: i searched through google) ad the joke site which has tons of jokes from a ton of different catagories (with ratings ranging from G al the way to NC-17) has 10 pages of MJ jokes: most having been on there for a little while before he died. some pretty funny (like: how does Micheal Jckson pick his nose? Anwer:

i am wndering if this is a sign, though? 4 well known people dieing in unrelated incidents within a month? isn't that rare? if not a first in recent history?
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Maybe it was The Black Crusaders, a secret society of black Americans who.... oh wait, none of the deceased were black. :-p