Bilocate - Sudden Death Syndrome [CD 9/2010]

BILOCATE - Sudden Death Syndrome
File under: Oriental dark metal


1 Humans & the Dark Affiliation
2 Blooded Forest
3 The Dead Sea
4 Ebtehal
5 Inoculate
6 Pure Wicked Sins
7 The Stone Of Hate

Listen to 'The Dead Sea' here:

Bilocate online:

Keeping the flame of metal alive in Jordania, that’s what Bilocate is doing right now. The band was formed back in 2003 and since then have witnessed the somewhat modest rise of Jordanian metal scene. While there is dozens of bands around in one form or another, there is only four or five bands that can actually play live and have actual studio recordings available.

Bilocate was started by brothers Ramzi and Waseem and soon the line up was ready with addition of friends Hani Al Abadi and Baha' Farah. Year later Rami Haikal finalized the line up that would record the bands first album, ”Dysphoria”.

The next big change came in 2006, when Ahmad Kloub joined the band as permanent drummer, leaving Waseem to concentrate on keyboards instead of drums. The band also started to create their second monumental opus “Sudden Death Syndrome”. While considered ”Jordanian” album, the album actually involves numerous outsiders in form of Jens Bogren (Swedish producer), Nash Planojevic (English sound engineer), Dennis Sibeijn (Dutch artists responsible for the album artwork) among others.

“Sudden Death Syndrome” was released in May 2008 on Jordanian label, Daxar Multimedia with distribution only in Jordania, Gulf Coast region and Egypt. The album gained huge and very supporting response from the worldwide metal media, with over hundred reviews thus far and numerous interviews all around the world.

Bilocate has played more outside of Jordania than inside, as local authorities (both secular and religious ones) have put their long arm of the law on their path more than once. The band has played in Egypt, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and in Lithuania (Devilstone Open Air 2009). The band has managed to overcome a few obstacles on their road and in July their first European tour is in full swing.

The band has scored few local Jordanian endorsement deals but also ones with Radial Engineering, ISP Technologies and Mayones custom guitars, more deals to be revealed after their July tour. After the tour their current label Kolony Records will reissue their “Sudden Death Syndrome” for the European markets (in September 2010) and the band will start to record their third album, to be released in mid 2011.

BILOCATE will be performing live in Europe this summer:
Jul 5 2010 - Slovenia, Tolmin (Metalcamp Fest)
Jul 7 2010 - Hungary, Pecs (Rockmaraton Fest)
Jul 23 2010 - Austria,Obervellach (Hell Over Vellach Fest)
More dates TBC
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New review 84/100 on! :devil:


"Il loro stile: Dark Oriental Metal. Così si definiscono i sei ragazzi provenienti dalla Giordania. La scelta del loro stile ricalca perfettamente il loro nuovo CD: Sudden Death Syndrome. Atmosfere oscure piene di tristezza sono il filo conduttore di queste 7 canzoni che vengono proposte con vera maestria e oculatezza. I riff che possiamo ascoltare sin dalle prime canzoni sono molto strani, da una parte ricordano il lontano Oriente, dall’altra esprimono una brutalità senza confronti. Giochi armonici di chitarra e cambi di tempo repentini rendono l’atmosfera del CD davvero inquietante, è come se uscissero fuori tutti gli stati d’animo delle persone: dalla calma piatta (introdotta dal pianoforte con giri melodici a volte cantilenanti e assoli che esprimono tristezza e malinconia) allo sfociare della rabbia, della violenza e della follia (riff pesanti, pedale a tappeto, growl da brivido!!). L’alternarsi parlato/growl in alcune canzoni (EBTHEAL e PURE WICKED SINS) sottolineano il concetto detto prima, anche se a volte gli attacchi di growl risultano un po’ monotoni. Ma il CD nel complesso risulta perfettamente riuscito, forse la prima traccia è troppo lunga rispetto alle altre, risultando magari un po’ pesante da digerire (17 minuti e 5 secondi) e la canzone finale non è altro che una OUTRO di 5 minuti, la cui durata poteva benissimo essere accorciata. Doveroso è parlare dell’artwork (realizzato da Dennis Sibeijn) che a mio avviso risulta in perfetta sintonia con l’album: un paesaggio in decadenza, forse distrutto dalla guerra, un cielo cupo, nuvoloso, colmo di tristezza, un solo uomo rimasto a cui un Dio superiore ruba l’anima, lasciando lì, inerme. Concludendo questi ragazzi sono riusciti a sfornare un CD stracolmo di emozioni che non lascerà di sicuro deluso il pubblico amante del Doom e delle atmosfere malinconiche tristi e allo stesso tempo violente!!"
New amazing review of BILOCATE's 'Sudden Death Syndrome' available online!


"Bilocate is just what I would want from a band playing Metal from the Middle East (they are from Jordan). Think of bands like Nile, Salem and Melechesh. Bilocate has Eastern, Prog and very Tech Death metal elements going on with a strong love of Texture and Atmosphere going on here. The haunting way the guitars and bass line snare you in and the deep and ethereal vocals that sound like a demon in the distance calling you to your demise is just so entralling. The orchestral elements of synths and way the music flows is so epic in sound it works wonders to the over all style too. If your a fan of bands like Opeth and Agalloch this will call to you as well in that the vocals are very similar to both and the music at moments too. Kolony records has a band to watch here this could and very well maybe the next big band in the Metal world."
New great review of 'Sudden Death Syndrome' available @!

"Bilocate waren im vergangenen Jahr in aller Munde. Nicht nur weil sie eigentlich bei etlichen Festivals hätten spielen sollen und es schlussendlich an behördlicher Engstirnigkeit gescheitert ist das die Burschen halb Europa im Handstreich genommen hätten, nein auch musikalisch konnte man überzeugen und somit bei Kolony Records einen Vertrag ergattern. Das Album „Sudden Death Syndrome” ist zwar schon bereits veröffentlich worden, auch in Eigenregie, wird aber von unserer Seite leider erst jetzt rezensiert. Wie auch immer somit können sich viele Metal Fans einen Einblick machen wie rebellischer Metal wirklich klingt. Wie auch bei vielen anderen Vertretern aus den islamischen Staaten gelten auch diese Herrschaften mit ihrer Musik eher verpönt und stoßen eher auf Unverständnis als auf Support. Schwärzester Doom Death Metal wird uns von Ramzi Essayed (voc), Waseem Essayed (keys), Baha Farah (guit), Rami Haikal (guit), Hani Al-Abadi (bass) und Ahmad Kloub (drums) kredenzt und dieser ließ in der Vergangenheit so manchen Szenekenner zu Lob Tiraden verleiten. Auch verständlich denn die Jungs gehen mit einer brachialen Macht zu Werke die einem nichts anderes zulässt als sich vor ihnen zu tiefst verneigen.

Das düstere Intro „Humans And The Dark Affiliation” ist ein teils orientalischer Stimmungsmacher der einfach für den Freund dieser musikalischen Mischung das um und auf ist. Durch die dunkle Zersetzung schafft man ein Feeling das einem eine Gänsehaut verleiht.

Im leichten Black n Death wird nun das opulente „Blooded Forest“ nachgeschoben. Basierend auf einer satten Spielzeit von 17:03 Minuten könnte man von einem schwarzen Klangepos sprechen. Auch durch das gebotene verstärkt man dieses nur umso mehr. Doom Death der schwärzesten Art serviert man uns hier mit einem Potential das seinesgleichen sucht. Die streckenweise sehr runterziehenden Parts hinterlassen eine grollende Magengegend. Komplettiert wird dies durch teils melodische, teils orientalische Soundeinflüsse die man gekonnt mit den übrigen Passagen Phasenweise abfeuert.

Mit einer Mischung aus fröhlichem, klassischem Klavierspiel und streckenweise Bombast Black Metal Rhythmus wird nun „The Dead Sea“ ins Renne geschickt. Sehr epochaler Track mit einer kürzeren Spielzeit. Doch diese nützt man durch viele Querverweise und leicht – komplexe Death/Doom Anleihen vollends.

„Ebtehal“ wird mit einem traurigen Anfang ins Rennen geschickt, welcher sofort viel Melancholie verbreitet. An diesem Konzept hält man bis zu zwei Minuten fest, bevor erneut eine dunklere Richtung eingeschlagen wird, wo auch vermehrt härtere Klänge zum Vorschein kommen. Dennoch wirkt das Stück deutlich komplexer wie sein Vorgänger. Schlussendlich kann man diesen aber durchaus locker folgen und muss nicht erst lange und hundertmal ins Stück rein hören um auf den Geschmack zu kommen.

Mit eine simplen Attacke feuern die Wüstensöhne uns nun „Inoculate“ hinterher. Sicher mag man auch hier versichert sein das etwas verspieltere Strukturen eingearbeitet wurden. Dennoch wirkt der Track deutlich eingängiger als alles was man bis dato ins Rennen geschickt hat.

Erneut eine klassische, ruhige Runde wird uns zu Beginn von „Pure Wicked Sins“ geboten. Schroff, eisig und dunkel wird hierbei die Fortführung bestritten. Mit satten, doomigen Fragmenten arbeitet man sich auf ein Neues in unsere tiefste Magen/Seelengegend vor und hinterlässt dort nur Staub und Asche. Ein wahrer Genuss vor dem Herrn wird uns durch diesen Song beschert.

Ein bedrohender Eingang erschließt sich einem zu Beginn von „The Stone Of Hate“ der einem das Gefühl des Morgengrauens in der Wüste wieder gibt. Auf dieses begonnene Programm baut man weiterhin auf und lässt das zweite Full Length Album mit einem klanglichen Outro ausklingen das einfach süchtig macht.

Fazit: Wer von alltäglicher Klangkunst aus dem Death oder Doom Bereich genug hat muss das Teil haben. Ein lohnender Silberling der in keiner Sammlung von Liebhabern fehlen sollte."

BILOCATE: French website 'Le Chant du Grillon' has published a great review of 'Sudden Death Syndrome' - check it! :hotjump:

"Le label italien Kolony Records aime nous proposer des groupes à forte personnalité. Ce fût le cas avec les andorrans de Persephone, les australiens de Be'lakor ou encore les anglais de De Profundis et leur metal extrême progressif. Maintenant c'est au tour des jordaniens de Bilocate de rejoindre leur rang et pour l'occasion le label en profite pour ressortir leur second album intitulé Sudden Death Syndrome (initialement sorti en 2008 via The End Records)

Le groupe a été mis sur pied en 2003 par les frères Ramzi (vocaux) et Waseem Esayed (claviers) et Hani Al Abadi (basse) et en 2005 il réalise leur premier album intitulé Dysphoria. La production de Sudden Death Syndrome a été gérée par le groupe en collaboration avec Jens Bogren (Opeth, Bloodbath, Katatonia, Paradise Lost) qui s'est aussi occupé du mix et du mastering. 7 titres pour un peu plus de 52 minutes de musique, ça annonce quelques morceaux à rallonge et en effet le second morceau culmine à 17 minutes. "Humans And The Dark Affiliations" nous ouvre les portes de l'album avec un instrumental où se côtoient éléments atmosphériques et percussions orientales. Les dernières secondes permettent de lancer le morceau phare de l'album : "Blooded Forest". Le dark/doom/death du combo se met en place sur un mid-tempo profond où les vocaux de Ramzi Essayed envoient leurs salves gutturales et profondes dans le genre death bourru. On retrouve de nombreux leads différents et des breaks atmosphériques au piano et synthés. Au bout de 3 minutes 30 le rythme s'emballe et les riffs deviennent virulents alors qu'une minute plus tard les arpèges viennent calmer le jeu. Les ambiances sont très travaillés, qu'elles soient légères, inquiétantes où dévastatrices et les changements de tempo sont légions. Qu'elles soient progressives ou agressives les guitares remplissent largement leur rôle. Sans oublier les excellents solos qui montrent toute la dextérité de Baha Farah à la lead.

"The Dead Sea" contraste avec "Blooded Forest" par sa durée, et seulement par sa durée, car ce titre fait tout autant preuve de caractère que le précédent. Le piano défit la section rythmique le temps de l'introduction et ensuite le titre devient d'une massivité à toutes épreuves. Le côté dark n'est pas oublié via des nappes de synthés mais on retient surtout la puissance qui se dégage de ce titre. Leads lumineux, interventions discrètes d'instruments orientaux, les changements violents de tempo, breaks au piano, rien n'est laissé au hasard et démontre une parfaite maitrise de la part du sextet. "Ebtehal" débute tout en douceur avec des instruments acoustiques, des nappes des synthés et des parties parlées. S'ensuit un doom profond et inspiré mené par la puissance de la section rythmique, une ligne de piano et des riffs aux parfums arabisants. Retour du dark avec un long break acoustique avant que le doom menaçant ne reprenne ses droits pour finaliser le titre avec en prime encore un excellent solo qui s'emballe sur un tempo plus soutenu. "Inoculate" refait la part belle aux leads inspirés, aux lignes de synthés et aux instruments à corde traditionnels qui font des interventions très remarquées. "Pure Wicked Sins" débute avec un piano qui distille ses lentes notes mélancoliques, titre le plus posé sur lequel on retrouve des vocaux clairs. Le groupe prend tout son temps pour poser ses ambiances tristes. "The Stone Of Hate" termine l'album comme il a débuté, c'est à dire avec un titre instrumental chargé d'atmosphère à la fois inquiétante et légère.

On peut rapprocher le combo avec Opeth pour la structuration des titres ou encore d'Orphaned Land pour les influences orientales, mais Bilocate fait preuve de beaucoup de maturité et nous offre avec Sudden Death Syndrome un album unique." [Olivier]

And here we go with another one!!!

'Sudden Death Syndrome' rated 9,5 / 10 (top album) on French webzine Pavillon666! :D:D:D

"Les perles sont vraiment nombreuses dans le domaine du metal oriental. Les groupes ne foisonnent pas mais pourtant…certains ont le don de nous transmettre une musique immensément riche, originale, changeant du traditionnel metal. Souvent belle et froide, et surtout agressive, les compositions se retrouvent souvent avec plus de matière et d’ambiances, arrivant à toucher par la même occasion l’auditeur.

Bilocate fait partie de ces rares combos à sortir des sentiers battus et à s’exprimer à travers une musique sombre, mélancolique et tranchante, créant un style qui leur est propre, le dark oriental metal. Avec la réédition de leur « Sudden Death Syndrom », sortie à la base en 2008 mais en autoproduction seulement, la jeune formation trouve en cette année 2010 un label, Kolony Records et ajoute de ce fait une corde à leur arc. Un engagement et un recensement qui pourrait tout à fait leur être favorable, d’autant plus qu’en Jordanie, la sortie de leur tout premier album nommé « Dysphoria » avait permis au groupe de se faire une petite notoriété…

Si vous voulez donc vous embarquer dans un monde obscur, arabisant et surtout prenant et émouvant, écoutez donc ce bijou terrifiant et ténébreux qu’est ce « Sudden Death Syndrom ». Les ambiances sont particulièrement bien trouvés et surtout dark, bien qu’étant dotées d’une bonne part de sonorités orientales. L’intro instrumentale est le bon moyen de commencer le voyage dans des terres méconnues et obscures, là où la lumière n’existe pas. Ici aucun moyen de trouver une quelconque clarté. Les instruments traditionnels tels que les percussions et les guitares orientales ne vous donnent pas de répit jusqu’à la pièce maîtresse de l’album nommé « Blooded Forests », un morceau long de près de dix sept minutes mais sans doute le plus riche, complexe, progressif et varié. On se retrouve avec une excellente mixture de styles et de sonorités. Les changements de rythme sont assez conséquents et permettent à l’auditeur de réellement se trouver perdu au sein de cette immensité ténébreuse. Les riffs tranchants, mais aussi saccadés, lamentés, mélodieux, touchants, orientaux, sont pour le coup les vecteurs de ces changements de genres, et sont délicieux. Le chant caverneux est très efficace et on en veut encore. Quand je l’entends durer encore et encore…niveau claviers, on se retrouve avec des sonorités qui passent du dark au gothique, voire symphonique, tout en gardant ces éléments arabisants de base. Jusqu’au final magnifique, calme et délicat, nous préparant indirectement à la suite.

Car au bout du compte, cinq autres titres suivent à la perfection ce morceau de taille. Le piano sera l’élément nouveau qui apportera encore plus de matière et d’émotion aux compos, notamment dans « The Dead Sea » ou « Pure Wicked Sea », qui jouissent justement de ces envolées majestueuses. « The Dead Sea » se veut être la pièce symphonique de l’album tandis que « Pure Wicked Sins », aux chants clair/guttural alternés, guitares lamentées et puissance des claviers, la pièce doom car lente et mélancolique.

Les guitares peuvent aussi être de mise comme sur « Ebtehal », sans doute le morceau qui les met plus en avant. Acoustiques, mélodieuses et un poil plus lumineuses sur la longue intro, plus dark et mystérieuses lors du break en milieu de titre, agressives et prenantes vers la fin. Un titre qui monte en crescendo et nous montre le talent immense de Bilocate.

L’album se clôt de la même façon qu’il a commencé, par une outro instrumentale aux instruments orientaux, fermant un chapitre qu’on aimerait bien réécouter. Bilocate signe ici un chef d’œuvre en matière de metal oriental et il faudrait être fou pour passer à côté. A vous de voir si vous voulez vous plonger dans les méandres d’un monde ténébreux mais terriblement envoutant et touchant, « Sudden Death Syndrom » est un album se laissant surtout apprécié avec le temps. Un pure mélange de dark/death/doom/symphonique/oriental qu’il ne faut absolument pas louper…"

[PAVILLON 666 webzine - Copyright Matai]

And another one coming: this time SDS is rated 77 / 100 on!! :devil:

"This Jordanian band has already released this record in 2008, but it is now reissued by Kolony Records. I don't know how big the metal scene is in Jordan, but I am almost sure this is one of the better bands. After an intro the longest track "Blooded Forest" is launched. Influences of Novembers Doom, My Dying Bride and Paradise Lost are on top, but they don't sound like a copy. Especially the high guitar tones remind me of Paradise Lost.

The vocals are very low and brutal growling ones, just what this genre needs. "The Dead Sea" is more up-tempo and has some nice piano parts. In the track "Ebtehal" the vocals have at times a kind of Dani (Cradle of Filth) sound. It is a track with serene and doomy parts. The tempo goes up again in "Inoculate", but halfway the track slows down again. After that "Pure Wicked Sins" opens with a piano part.; the song is in My Dying Bride style and sometimes Anathema isn't that far away either.

For me that is the last track that matters, the last one I can't really call a song. It are some sounds and I do not understand why they put it on record. Next time a normal track please! A nice album for fans of the genre." [Reinier de Vries]

New 'inquisition' interview online at!

"On the rack: Ramzi Essayed from Bilocate

Wretched sinner, tell us about your latest deeds of evil and spite, “Sudden Death Syndrome”!

Bilocate – Well, Sudden Death Syndrome is a combination of thoughts, ideas, experiences in life and a description of what we live each day and what we see from war, tragedy, sadness, death that you cannot imagine unless you come and live in our region for sometime.

We transformed everything into music and lyrics… the album composing started back in early 2007 and was released in July 2008 and now Kolony Records re-released the album in 2010 and they did a great job which so far we are glad it ended in their list.

Musically the album is different, it represents the genre we created when we released our first album “Dysphoria” 2005, Dark Oriental Metal was introduced and welcomed by metal fans and media but we had many questions about what exactly we mean by dark oriental metal and sudden death syndrome was the perfect answer which a mix of dark music and oriental instruments and tones. It was a huge success for Bilocate with more than 60 reviews and ratings ranged from 7.5 to 9.5 out of 10… this showed acceptance and understanding what we are about and also raised expectations about what we will introduce in the future.

You fiend! You intend to tour the world with this devilish noise, don't you?!

Bilocate – Yes we are… and we played live in 3 festivals but we all have a business career and its very hard to plan a full tour… although we had many offers to tour with international bands but timings were against our plans… hopefully next year we will play more shows in Europe.

I reckon you have many ungodly stories from your sinful tours. You might as well give us the worst story since we're preparing to fry you anyway!

Bilocate – hmmm the worst thing happened last year in Turkey when the keyboards power adapter got fucked and our keyboardist had to play the whole festival with one keyboard that he never used in his life and at the same festival the rhythm guitar effect was fucked as well (the power extension was the same so it fucked both adapters) and we had to continue playing like nothing happened, it was hard and we got stressed on stage but the guys handled it professionally and kept going.

Oh, you are indeed a wretch! If we had not caught you, what would you and your cohordes have done now? Recorded even more of your fiendish rattling?

Bilocate – We are currently finalizing our next release which will be a re-recording of our first album "Dysphoria" including 2 new / unreleased singles with some changes on the original tracks the album is scheduled to be released in the first half of 2011 and another new album is being composing currently that will be finished and ready for release early 2012, also we have plans to tour Europe next year with some selected shows that fits our work calendars.

Damnations! You are beyond redemption. Name the five musical pieces that you want to bring with you when we send you to hell!

Bilocate - This question might have a different answer for each band member so I will list my top 5 albums:

Bloodbath: Nightmares Made Flesh
Opeth: Ghost Reveries
Edge of Sanity: Crimson II
Katatonia: Brave Murder Day
Pink Floyd: The Wall"

Another cool review is online - this time SDS was rated 8 / 10 on 'This is not a Scene' webzine! :headbang::headbang:

"When you think of Jordan (the tiny, middle Eastern kingdom, as opposed to the self-aggrandizing former glamour model), you don’t usually conjure images of innovative heavy metal. Matters may well- and thankfully- be about to change thanks to the dark, creative brilliance that underpins the latest release from Bilocate.

According to their press, Bilocate view their music as “Oriental Dark Metal”, and whilst technically correct, be under no illusion, this record is resolutely European in scope and outlook, with all the key ingredients you would expect: high quality musicianship, progressive themes and ideas and , of course, huge riffing all wonderfully in place. But there is more. A lovely, expansive and expressive production from Swedish producer Jens Bogran (Opeth, Katatonia, Bloodbath, Amon Amarth, etc.) adds to the sense of scope and ambition but it is the band’s focussed attention to structured songwriting that marks this release out from the usual, run of the mill “will this do?” product from less inventive and more predictable artists.

Consider “The Dead Sea” and “Ebethal”: two of the most enigmatic tracks on the record. In addition to the pummelling drumming and semi-audible growl that you would expect, there’s additional rolling piano, acoustic guitar and reflective, introspective vocals- not what you would usually expect from a doom metal band, but then Bilocate clearly have bigger ideas and ambition. The invention and creativity work brilliantly well.

The overall songwriting quality is consistently high across the record, perhaps best exemplified by “Blooded Forest” , a seventeen minute epic that understands the true sense of the word. Its by turns intense, reflective, ambient and crushing. The influences are often easy to spot, but that’s no bad thing. A little bit of Opeth here, a little bit of My Dying Bride there. Yes, even a nod to Iron Maiden‘s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”.

“Inoculate” is a flowing, intricate procession of chugging guitars and keyboards. “Pure Wicked Sins” is the slowest and most obviously doom metal track here, and does, if I’m honest, feel slightly humdrum after the creativity that has preceded it. The album closes, as it began, with another instrumental “The Stone of Hate” which harnesses the skilled musicianship of the band and, as a parting shot, its a belligerent and evocative one.

Although the external influences on this record are strong, this is not a pastiche or a cut-and-paste record. On the contrary, ‘Sudden Death Syndrome’ represents a big leap forward for the band and illustrates just what is possible within the often predictable and rule based world of doom metal. Rather like their homeland, Bilocate are a band definitely worth exploring." [Mat Davies]

New review of SDS on Necroslaughter Webzine! (in German)

"Da haben es Kolony Records aber leicht gehabt! BILOCATE haben “Sudden Death Syndrome” bereits vor einem Jahr selber aufgenommen und veröffentlicht. Und bei dem Material war es eigentlich nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis sich ein Label dafür interessiert. Nun ergibt sich die Win-Win Situation, dass das italienische Label ein richtiges Meisterwerk in ihren Katalog aufnehmen kann und die jordanischen Dark Metal Band mehr Leute mit ihrem einzigartigen Material erreicht!

Neben den neuen Label-Kollegen von De Profundis werden sich BILOCATE sehr wohl fühlen, schlägt man doch musikalisch in eine ähnliche Kerbe (wenngleich nicht so hart) und erzeugt eine gleichsam intensive und dunkle Atmosphäre. Entsprechend sollte auch der Fan von dunklen, teilweise epischen und orientalisch angehauchten Klängen unbedingt in “Sudden Death Syndrome” reinhören! Nach einem exotischen Intro steigert sich die Band erstmal in ein 17-minütiges Monumentalwerk, das das komplette Können BILOCATEs eindrucksvoll zeigt! Verzweiflung, Hoffnung, ruhige Keyboards und harte Gitarren mit dicken Doublebass-Teppichen, eine Klangwelt voller Kontraste und immer sehr dicht und detailverliebt. Doch trotz gelegentlicher ruhiger Momente, leisen Akkustik-Gitarren und einer klar gesungenen Passage steht auf “Sudden Death Syndrome” deutlich die Härte im Vordergrund! Wütende Vocals und schwere Gitarren sind genau so allgegenwärtig wie ausgefeilte Basslinien und interessante Leads. Weder das überlange “Blooded Forest” noch eines der andern Lieder wird auch nur für einen Moment langweilig! Durch geschickte Komposition aus unterschiedlichen EInflüssen liefern BILOCATE ein einzigartiges, intelligentes und gefühlvolles Album ab, das auf jeden Fall nachhaltig ist!

Wie bereits zur ursprünglichen Veröffentlichung geschrieben: “Sudden Death Syndrome” ist ganz großes Kino und definitiv Pflicht für Fans von hartem und stimmungsvollem Metal wie De Profundis, Opeth und Co! Aber nachdem nun fast 2 Jahre seit der Veröffentlichung ins Land gezogen sind, hoffe ich alsbald auf einen Nachfolger!" [Chris]

Brand new interview with Ramzi Essayed on Metal Cast Show! :kickass:

It could be said that many of us take our metal for granted: it is always there to uplift us, and those who can play guitar can always knock out a quick riff or two to chase away the winter blues. But to quote the mighty Priest, what if metal itself was “breaking the law”? BILOCATE are a hardworking metal band who find themselves in just such a position on a day to day basis, originating from Jordan which is a Hashemite kingdom whose legal system is based largely on Islamic law. I spoke to vocalist Ramzi Essayed from the comparative safety of my London residence.

You guys originate from Al Fuhais in central Jordan. We often hear about problems that other bands have had in the Middle East being able to practice and play metal. Was there any reaction from the religious communities in your area when you started up?

Ramzi: Yes sure, its very hard to find a jamming place or even keep our instruments in one place, its even harder to find a studio to record in or a sound engineer with experience in metal music… and there are ZERO metal concerts in jordan its officially banned from the government so you can say its a dead scene for metal and a salute anyone who survive in such conditions and be able to release albums.

Your first demo “Dysphoria” was completed in 2003, which included two songs that were over 11 minutes long and an instrumental. Was this a risky move to make for a brand new band? How did you go about spreading the demo if heavy metal is banned in your country?

Ramzi: The demo was just a start, you need a base to start from and that base should have strong material behind it… we published the demo online and sent few samples to media and got very good feedback resulted in recorded our first album (Dysphoria) in 2005 that put Bilocate on the metal map and received great reviews, the album was produced and recorded by us and back then having no proper equipments the quality was not what we wanted but yet everyone understood this fact and enjoyed the music as it is… next year in 2011 we are re-releasing dysphoria with a whole new production and many changes in the tracks and it will have 2 un-released singles as well… then we are sure that it will take the same appreciation of our latest album Sudden Death Syndrome.

Subsequently you reworked this material and added to it to produce a full length under the same title in 2005. How did each band member contribute to the making of this full-length?

Ramzi: hmmm each one of the band has his own role, and we all contribute in composing music each one with his instrument…this is way our music is marked as original because it came from different influences and techniques.

This first CD included a 20-minute track that has been labelled “the longest song ever created by an Arabian metal band”. Where did you get your inspiration for such epic material?

Ramzi: We have a lot in our pockets, we don’t compose music just to have tones .. we have a message and we feel that we need to deliver it no matter how much time we had to put, the track is an opera everyone loved it and it varies so you feel like you are in a journey, the music keeps you going without feeling that it took you 20 mins to finish… the new production of the track which will be released in 2011 will also take it to another level.

In 2006 you released a couple of video tracks to promote the music. How did this input from outside production companies manage to capture the “spirit” of the band?

Ramzi: To be frank the videos we done closely with the band, we co-produced the videos and its stories and we worked step by step with the directors which are close friends and fans of Bilocate, this helped a lot and the result was satisfying as you might saw.

Your most recent release is “Sudden Death Syndrome”, which was mixed and mastered in Sweden. How difficult was it doing some of the work for the album in Dubai and some in Sweden?

Ramzi: It was difficult to even compose the album as 4 members lives in jordan and my self (Ramzi Essayed – Vocalist) i live in dubai and our lead guitarist lives in KSA me and him moved to work and build our careers.. but we managed to compose a full album, working with Nash (In The Mix Studis – Dubai) and Jens Bogren (Sweden) was a great, both of them are very professional and know exactly how to handle remote production, this helped a lot and we are grateful for both of them for the help and knowledge they gave to us… our next release will be done the same way as we wont find better professionals to support us.

Lyrically many of your songs on the new album seem to have a strong spiritual element – angels, the divine, battles between light and darkness – topics which have always made great doom lyrics, from Black Sabbath to Trouble to Candlemass. Do these views represent any kind of coherent belief system for you?

Ramzi: Definitely, we talk about our lives and what happened in our region, everything we wrote was a real life experience that we witness everyday and you need to live in this part of the world for a while to fully understand.
We see death and hear about it almost everyday since decades, tragedies and war are like air and water here to the point that it became a good place to make stories about in movies but reality always have a deeper understanding and effect.

You have now played a number of festivals, sharing the stage with bands such as Melechesh, Sepultura and Kreator. Do you find it easy to get together to practice for live performances suah as these? Are there any particular bands you would love to play with in the future?

Ramzi: well man its not easy at all, we don’t have a fixed jamming place and to be honest for each festival we jammed together maybe once just before our stage time. yet we managed to give the fans one hell of a performance as you can see by your self on youtube, we believe in what we do and we taught our selves how to memorize the tracks by heart individually and perform as one on stage.
We would love to share the stage with Bloodbath, Opeth and my dying bride… and many others in our list i think each member will have his own fav bands to play with someday.

Recently the band has signed endorsement deals with ENGL Amps, MAYONES Guitars, Radial and ISP. How are these kind of deals useful for the future of the band?

Ramzi: its very useful equipments wise which will reflect on the sound quality and live performance as you know, when you have proper instruments and gear you perform better and sound better and even it helps a lot in recording as you might notice in our next release. those brands appreciated our music and dedication and have us huge support which we need.

Most importantly: you are currently working on a new album. How near completion is this and can you gives us any tasters of the new material?

Ramzi: We are currently working on 2 releases one is a re-recording of our first album Dysphoria with 2 new singles and many changes on the tracks that will be released in the beginning of 2011 and a whole new album which we started already that will be released late 2011 or early 2012… as for the taste we will be releasing a track from the coming release soon and you will be informed, just keep following our news on Facebook, myspace and twitter.

May I thank you for taking the time to answer this interview. Is there any message you have for potential fans across the world?

Ramzi: Thank you very much for the interview and our message is simple, just understand our music and live our experience and journey.

[Si Smith]

New amazing review on! This time 'Sudden Death Sydrome' scored 9 points out of 10!!! :loco:

Wahrscheinlich ist es nur meine verzerrte Perspektive, aber ich stolpere in letzter Zeit immer häufiger über interessante Bands aus dem Nahen Osten. Meine neueste "Entdeckung" ist die sechsköpfige Band BILOCATE aus Jordanien.
Schon mit ihrem Debütalbum "Dysphoria" konnten sie einige Aufmerksamkeit erregen, doch mit ihrem brandaktuellem Werk "Sudden Death Syndrome" sollte sich das auf internationaler Ebene noch einmal gewaltig steigern. Denn nichts anderes als ein Meisterwerk haben die Jordanier damit abgeliefert.

Das Album beherbergt sieben düstere Kompositionen packenden Doom/Death Metals, der jeden Anhänger von Bands wie NOVEMBERS DOOM oder DOOM:VS sofort begeistern dürfte. Ein epischer, atmosphärischer Sound und die hervorragende Balance aus donnerndem Midtempo, getragenen Passagen und schleppenden Momenten prägen das Werk. Hinzu kommen die allmächtigen Gitarren: Die starke Rhythmusfraktion und die nicht müde werdenden melodischen Leads, die durch Keyboardflächen wirkungsvoll unterstützt werden. Sind sie dann vereint, laufen BILOCATE zur Höchstform auf, es ist einfach unmöglich, sich diesem packenden Gefühl zu entziehen.

Das nach dem Introsong anbrechende "Blooded Forest" ist zweifellos eins der Highlights auf "Sudden Death Syndrome", nicht nur, weil es mit 17 Minuten ein überlanges Epos geworden ist. Was BILOCATE hier schon an Ideen verbraten, hätte anderen Bands schon fast für ein halbes Album gereicht. BILOCATE kombinieren schnell, wechseln zwischen Harmonien und Stimmungen und bauen immer wieder einen Spannungsbogen auf, der sich dann in fulminanten Momenten entlädt – da stellen sich schon von ganz allein die Nackenhaare auf, und eine Gänsehaut überzieht einen. Was für ein Trip!

Aber auch die anderen Songs halten nicht hinterm Berg. Da wäre "The Dead Sea" mit seinem schönen Pianomotiv und den hereinbrechenden Riffs, bei denen ich teilweise auch an OPETH denken muss. "Ebtehal" lebt durch seine akustischen Klänge, in "Inoculate" zeigen BILOCATE auch durchaus "hellere" Harmonien, zudem lässt dieser Song die traditionellen Einflüsse der Band hörbar werden.
"Pure Wicked Sins" ist wieder ein wuchtiger Song, bei dem sich Sänger Ramzi mit seinem eindrucksvollen Organ austoben kann. Er hat es definitiv drauf, und mit seinen mächtigen Growls veredelt er nicht nur diesen Song sondern auch den Rest des Albums. Den Abschluß bildet das sphärische, von Piano und Percussionsounds geprägte "The Stone Of Hate" und schließt damit den von "Humans And The Dark Affiliation" eröffneten Kreis.

Was für ein Album! Neben den packenden Kompositionen und ihrer instrumentalen Realisierung durch die Band gebührt auch Jens Bogren Dank für die hervorragende Produktion. Bogren hat schon mit Bands wie OPETH und KATATONIA zusammengearbeitet, und diese Erfahrung hat sich für "Sudden Death Syndrome" absolut bezahlt gemacht. Das Album klingt groß und wuchtig, erschütternd bis ins Mark, mitreißend. Schlagzeug, Bass, Gitarren, Keyboards – alles wunderbar ausgesteuert ohne Übersteuerung, mit sattem Klang.

Vollste Empfehlung! Wer etwas für die erwähnten Bands und diese Kombination aus Death- und Doom Metal übrig hat, sollte sich schleunigst nach dieser Scheibe erkundigen!

PS: "Sudden Death Syndrome" erschien vor zwei Jahren auf Mute Records Jordan, und ist nun endlich via Kolony Records international erhältlich. [Beta]

New review 8/10 on Italian main extreme magazine Inferno Rock - issue #2!

"A riaffermare la totale assenza di confini dell'odierna scena metal, ecco arrivare anche sul mercato europeo questo secondo lavoro per i Bilocate, band giordana che dimostra di avere assimilato a dovere la lezione impartita dai maestri del death/doom europeo (My Dying Bride e primi Anathema su tutti) e rilascia un lavoro davvero bello e coinvolgente, fatto di riff pesanti ed opprimenti e ammantato di una drammaticità per certi versi "cinematografica" e soltanto in parte riconducibile alle origini mediorientali del gruppo. I Bilocate riescono laddove altre band anche più titolate di loro hanno fallito: unire le suddette influenze ad una spiccata vena progressiva. Anche un brano lunghissimo come Blooded Forest riesce infatti a mantenere vivo l'interesse dell'ascoltatore per tutta la sua durata: non sono affatto azzardati i paragoni con gli Opeth. Nel suo genere, Sudden Death Syndrome è senza dubbio uno dei migliori lavori dell'anno che va a concludersi." [Roberto Cacciatore]

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Another cool review on Cosmogaming Webzine! :Spin:

"I’ve reviewed metal from a lot of different countries, but I can’t ever remember ever listening to one from Jordan before. But that’s where doom/death metal band Bilocate comes from, and their sophomore effort Sudden Death Syndrome is an impressive mix of somber melodies and heavy riffs. Although the effort originally came out in 2008, it has been re-released by Kolony Records in order to get widespread distribution and if you’re a fan of the genre it is a must have album.

The death/doom is typically known for its lengthy, sprawling songs that are slow paced and build up to stunning climaxes and Bilocate certainly follows this same pattern. After a melodic introduction the band begins “Blooded Forest”, a seventeen minute track that really gives listeners an idea of everything that the instrumentalists have to offer. As it turns out, the group is really good at putting in atmospheric keyboard arrangements in all of their songs that add a very somber feel. Despite the fact that almost all of Bilocate’s material seems to be driven by the keyboards and some heavy guitar riffs, the tracks are distinguishable from one another. However, I must admit that the way that the band decided to structure Sudden Death Syndrome is a little strange. Putting a seventeen minute epic at the beginning of an album makes all of the songs after it pale in comparison, so even though the rest of the effort does have memorable moments listeners will likely remember “Blooded Forest” the most.

Bands in this genre seem to either use a clean/harsh vocal combination or rely entirely on harsh growls which is what Bilocate has done. Lead singer Ramzi Essayed has a very low growl that creates an interesting contrast between the vocals and the instrumentals. While the instrumentals tend to stay near the mellower side of things Essayed’s growls are always very harsh and menacing which stand out even more when they are being used over top of the dreary melodies. There’s just something about the use of super low growls over lighter instrumentals that works extremely well, and it makes Bilocate’s material sound that much better.

Sudden Death Syndrome may seem a little uneven since it begins with a seventeen minute epic and then falls back into some shorter songs, but as a whole it is impressive and puts Bilocate right near the top of the doom/death pile. They have gone in a slightly mellower and atmospheric direction than many of the other bands have lately which should make them distinguishable, and seeing as the original release of this album was in 2008 hopefully the group is already working on a follow up." [Chris Dahlberg]

'Sudden Death Syndrome' is in the hot albums of the week section on Webzine, rating 7,5/10 !

"Secondo album in studio per i death doom metaller Bilocate, band giordana proveniente da Amman. "Sudden Death Syndrome", questo il titolo dell'album, va annoverato tra i dischi più corposi e succulenti del 2010. I Bilocate partono subito con un azzardo: collocare un brano di ben diciassette minuti come secondo pezzo in tracklist. Dopo l'ottimo intro di "Humans & the Dark Affiliation", ecco "Blooded Forest": immaginiamoci una sorta di opera in tre atti di pura distruzione, contaminati da break di matrice ambient. Il brano è, per chi scrive, il migliore dell'album, scorre via veloce e si fa ascoltare molto bene. Le influenze della band sono molteplici: i clean vocals si rifanno molto a band come Novembers Doom e similari, i suoni orchestrali ricordano il più delle volte i Cradle Of Filth. Ma quello che rende unici nel loro genere i Bilocate è l'inventiva: il riuscire ad unire la delicatezza di parti di pianoforte e tastiere al concentrato death metal, il tutto unito in un unico calderone, quello doom. Solo sette brani, per la durata di circa cinquantadue minuti. Dietro al mixer troviamo Jens Bogran (Opeth, Katatonia), che è riuscito ad ottenere i suoni migliori per la resa finale di questo album. Artwork apocalittico ed aggressivo, per un prodotto complessivamente azzeccato." [Andrea "Andre" Lerose]

New review of 'Sudden Death Syndrome' online, 8,5/10 on Italian webzine! :Shedevil:

"I Bilocate sono una band che nasce nel 2003 e che arriva dalle terre di Giordana. Tutto ciò ci ha particolarmente incuriosito, fenomeno culturale insolito, supportato da una qualità di esecuzione e di produzione più che buone. “Sudden Death Sindrome” è un lavoro del 2008, ora ristampato da Kolony Record e sottopostoci con immenso piacere. Il sound proposto naviga tra il Doom/Death, con innesti progressive ed alcune citazioni sonore che molto sanno di orientale e di terra natale dei musicisti. Full-lenght robusto ed intenso, che ha insite in sé tastiere atmosferiche ma mai troppo invasive. Un parallelo potremmo farlo con primi Opeth e Katatonia, anche se i vaghi ed eterei richiami alla propria cultura musicale rimangono saldi. Echi leggeri che non trasformano le note in questione in un voler per forza stupire e snaturare la natura Metal del project. Riflessivi e allo stesso tempo vigorosi, i Bilocale mostrano personalità rispettando i canoni del genere di appartenenza. Tutto suona solenne e ricercato, sviluppi musicali lenti che poi, d’improvviso, si colorando di una ritmica quasi Pagan. Crescendo strutturale che rapisce indubbiamente e che poi fluisce delicatamente in una chitarra dal gusto estasiante. Il comparto vocale non abbandona mai il gutturale, mentre le melodie degli strumenti diventano litania di tragedia e guerra. Disco veramente maturo, da assaporare in ogni sua sfaccettatura." [Thiess]

French webzine defines BILOCATE latest album 'monumental'!

"Recevoir un album de Jordanie n'est pas chose commune et pousse donc à un regain d'intérêt surtout quand le genre abordé est le Death atmosphérique. Oui messieurs dames, Metalland vous propose encore une fois de voyager et de découvrir de nouveaux talents, même si BILOCATE existe depuis pas mal d'années déjà, son premier album datant de 2005. Si Sudden Death Syndrome date initialement de 2008, leur nouveau label Kolony Records a décidé de nous le ressortir afin, semble-t-il, de préparer le public à une nouvelle galette encore en cours de création.

Une excellente initiative car le groupe n'est pas vraiment connu en nos vertes contrées et que passer à côté de ce second album aurait été dommage, surtout pour les amateurs de musique sombre et technique. Sept petits titres, cela pourrait sembler peu si le groupe n'avait pas décidé de mettre les petits plats dans les grands en nous offrant des compositions longues, parfois très longues ("Blooded Forest" et ses 17 minutes qui passent en un clin d'œil), empreintes de majesté et d'une classe faisant plaisir à entendre. Jordanie oblige, les références orientales sont clairement audibles et resteront un des fils conducteurs de l'album, tout comme cette capacité à monter en puissance pour submerger l'auditeur sous une alternance de riffs lourds et poignants et d'autres rapides et mélodiques. Le groupe est aussi capable de finesse ("The Stone of Hate" et ses cinq minutes instrumentales) et se sert du chant appliqué de son frontman pour noircir encore un peu plus le sentiment général de désolation que l'on ne manquera pas de ressentir. Si certains penseront immédiatement à OPETH à l'écoute du disque, le groupe garde tout de même son identité et évite avec brio le piège de la copie.

Monumental est le qualificatif qui vient à l'esprit à la fin de l'écoute, tant l'auditeur a l'impression d'être face à une montagne en marche, avançant inexorablement et sans hâte, terrible dans sa beauté et si imposante qu'elle ne peut être appréhendée dans son ensemble. Kolony Records vient donc de nous mettre l'eau à la bouche de fort belle manière et montre qu'il va falloir compter avec BILOCATE dans un futur très proche." [Le Scribe]
