Biohazard - Means to An End


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Biohazard – Means to An End
SPV Records – SPV085-69882 CD – August 30th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


It’s ridiculous to think that one can legitimately shout hardcore ideals while being rich…and selling over a million albums worldwide…and being married to renowned porn star Tera Patrick. But if that’s what Evan Seinfeld, vocalist and bassist of Biohazard, wants to do, then who am I to stand in his way? After all, Means to An End is a satisfactory return to form for the seventeen-year old veterans of the Brooklyn, hardcore scene. Needless to say, this eighth full-length would be decimated if forced to face-off against established albums such as Urban Discipline, or any of their notable stuff.

As far as structure goes, Biohazard have adopted the standard practice of putting forth ten tracks, which finish at close to thirty-five minutes with no instruments besides guitar, bass, drums, and vocals. Furthermore, with Means to An End, what you see is what you get. These hardcore anthems are driven by hatred, malevolence, and thoughts of violence. Coupled with those sentiments are the tough guy antics that manifest themselves in vocally standing up for beliefs, ideals, and self-identity. Sure, it all feels kind of forced, but the music is about as enjoyable as tried-and-true hardcore gets. The riffs are well-written, and there are actual guitar leads care of Graziadei, which throws those who think that hardcore is predominantly D.O.A. for a loop. Speaking of Graziadei, in addition to guitar duties, he also shares the vocal chores with Seinfeld, and said members have a rough aura hovering above both their persons and their individual performances. Plus, there’s a bushel of shouting-in-unison that occurs because Biohazard felt compelled to include it.

It’s useless to tout Means to An End as an unabashed return for this four-piece, because they’ve been dormant for only two years, this record isn’t astounding, and it won’t blindside fanatics with its overwhelming proficiency. Biohazard, as well as fellow purveyors Blood for Blood, et al, don’t make my blood boil, though their albums have been injected with a certain kind of highly entertaining attitude. Their anger, I find, transfers to me and then I really feel like literally kicking some ass, even though I’ve never been in a real fight before. Still, I imagine their underground “buddies” ridiculing them due to their privileged lifestyles. And, to close, if I were Evan Seinfeld I believe I’d find myself just as distracted if I had Tera Patrick waiting impatiently in my bedroom.


Official Biohazard Website
Official SPV Records Website