Biomechanical - Cannibalised

It was way too chaotic for my tastes. It sounds like a bunch of stuff thrown into a blender. Not my thing I guess. I've liked them a little less on each release. The debut remains my favorite. They were however good when I saw them live a few years back at Powerfest in Chicago.

I don't like this album as much as their previous release. Just way too much "random" chaotic noise in the background, its really tough to appreciate the music.

I like it but I think that most of the band quit after this album was recorded?

I don't believe they have. As far as I know, they are touring to support the album and two of the members were just on Dickinson's show yesterday evening.
From wiki:
Shortly after completing work on their third album Cannibalised four members of the band, Jon Collins, Chris Webb, Matt C. and Jamie Hunt quit the band, following a rumored coup, leaving only the founding member, frontman John K. Biomechanical now have a new line-up, drummer Jonno Lodge and guitarists Gus Drax and Chris Van Hayden, and Adrian Lambert on bass.
It is a shame most of the band left, although I think all of them had recorded their parts before they did (short of the bassist). I was a bit overwhelmed with everything it had going on at first, but after several listens I'm really starting to love it. :headbang:
I think this cd is not as good as last, but thats not really fair since their last one was a masterpiece. This album needs the vocals brought to the front of the mix and everything would be fine with me.

Jonno is DYING to play in the US!!!!

I haven't gotten the CD yet, but I'm going to order it this week probably... I'd love to see them do the showcase!!! And what I've heard on their MS page, i dig it...
I find Biomechanical's music to be too disjointed. I agree with Britt, it just seems to be all over the place.


I agree with both of you, but that's part of what I love about them. After hearing The Empires of the Worlds, Eight Moons is just too "normal" for me. :)
I agree with both of you, but that's part of what I love about them. After hearing The Empires of the Worlds, Eight Moons is just too "normal" for me. :)

Seconded, it even took me 6-7 listens to really get into the new one, but now that I have I'm able to follow most of what's going on and discern some structure to the songs. :lol: