Cannibalised - Reviews


83/100 From Burn Magazine Japan
Also there's a four page feature on Biomechanical!!

Here's one of the pages
Okay, so what it says is :

If you're into : Strapping young lad, Nevermore and Meshuggah
Unheard of, sick and inspired !

Imagine some twisted extreme progressive thrash metal with Rob Halford (Judas Priest) singing and you'll have an idea about what Biomechanical is : something you've never heard before !
"Cannibalised" ends a concept spreaded across three albums (read the news page 47 of this issue). Knowing that this part would be produced by Chris Tsangarides (Judas Priest, Gary Moore) fed our hopes that such a collaboration could only give birth to something admirable, but the result is beyond all expectations.
The orchestral arrangments and John K's voice, a kind of schizophrenic delirium between operatic screams and grunts, give a cinematographic side to Biomechanical's aggressive, technical and chaotic music. Nonetheless, we recommend this album to people that are used to tortured and twisted songs !

From RockOne Magazine France

Thanks Michel for the translation again:rock:

Friendly flesh
(title is a pun between Dear Friend (cher ami, chère amie) et Friendly flesh)

With "Cannibalised" hitting the stores on february 11th, Biomechanical conclude a trilogy, set on a "bruitiste"(*) sonic background, which started 10 years ago.

"Cannibalised" is the follow up to "The empires of the worlds" and concludes a trilogy started with "8 moons". John K, the creator of that beast, compares it, humourously, to "The texas chainsaw massacre" ! "People's reaction to this album is rather strong. I think it's more aggressive, more technical but less complex than 'The empires of the worlds'". His love for movie scores led him to build such a complex musical concept. "Everything started in 1999. The main idea was to talk about the world's problems in everyday life because, sadly, there are so many things going wrong. But I did not want to have a simplistic approach consisting in complaining and telling negative things." So, he thought about a story taking place in three steps. "The first album is about our deepest fears and our fight to face them. The second is about our genetic code's ability to control everything we do, and the third one is about the spiritual death of our society. The three album titles have been chosen from the very beginning, as well as the contents of the story and the musical style". But, the ending of a story doesn't mean a dramatic conclusion. "This album doesn't spell the end of Biomechanical, only the end of a chapter who started with '8 moons', and I can already say that for the next one, we'll do something entirely different".

- - - -
"It is very inspiring to make such a dark album. Every Luke Skywalker needs his Darth Vader !"
Ian Watkins (Lostprophets)

Part of the review

“Cannibalised” finds the perfect balance between retro musings and a totally untouched sound of the future. The production qualities are one hundred percent crisp, thanks to the expertise of legendary producer Chris Tsangarides whose resume includes Bruce Dickinson and Judas Priest amongst others. “Cannibalised” is so far, the biggest surprise of 2008 and be the first on your block to own this masterful piece of musical history.''
"Cannibalised" is the follow up to "The empires of the worlds" and concludes a trilogy started with "8 moons". John K, the creator of that beast, compares it, humourously, to "The texas chainsaw massacre" ! "People's reaction to this album is rather strong. I think it's more aggressive, more technical but less complex than 'The empires of the worlds'". His love for movie scores led him to build such a complex musical concept. "Everything started in 1999. The main idea was to talk about the world's problems in everyday life because, sadly, there are so many things going wrong. But I did not want to have a simplistic approach consisting in complaining and telling negative things." So, he thought about a story taking place in three steps. "The first album is about our deepest fears and our fight to face them. The second is about our genetic code's ability to control everything we do, and the third one is about the spiritual death of our society. The three album titles have been chosen from the very beginning, as well as the contents of the story and the musical style". But, the ending of a story doesn't mean a dramatic conclusion. "This album doesn't spell the end of Biomechanical, only the end of a chapter who started with '8 moons', and I can already say that for the next one, we'll do something entirely different".

Alright!! I am REALLY looking forward to some fresh music from the dream-team! :rock:
I love how almost every single review begins with something like "This CD tore off my ribcage and made coat hangers out of it", "This album sandblasted my fucking face off" or "I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck".

Really, I love it. Formidable.
I love how almost every single review begins with something like "This CD tore off my ribcage and made coat hangers out of it", "This album sandblasted my fucking face off" or "I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck".

Really, I love it. Formidable.


4/5 from Big Cheese Magazine

"Cyber-Punk"??? Someone needs to be slapped. By the way I recieved a shipment notice from the store I ordered from. It's on it's way... *looking forward to having his shit ruined*