

Sep 2, 2003
heavy motherfucking metal.

we had the privelige of supporting these two bands last night,and boy was it good.

hawk has mentioned biomechanical before,and they were just outstanding.technically brilliant,with a singer whos range is up there with ripper and halford.awsome power metal with great technique.

fourwaykill were sledgehammer brutal,no surrender metal.very powerfull stuff,with a great sound.

i cant recommend either of these bands highly enough boys n girls.well worth trying to get hold of thier respective works!and for those in the uk particularly,try and get to see them live.

there,a music related post to keep sixx happier! :D :worship:
Fourwaykill are stunning. to quote baldy I can't recommend them highly enough. saw them at the Bloodstock festival last year and they were one of only two or three bands who I stayed to see do their full set and the only band that played whose CD I came home with. Not my usual thing but I am always open to listening to somthing different and this time it paid off.
Biomechanical's vocalist, John K. is in two bands. Baldyboy, you will also be playing before his other band at Bloodstock, namely Balance of Power. I don't own any Biomechanical music but I have the latest BoP and John reminds me quite a bit of classic Geoff Tate on that release. In terms of pure vocal skills, there aren't many who can touch this guy and the rest of the band are all seasoned performers as well.

Biomechanical are one of the few bands that justify the characterization "the future of metal". Their mixture of Pantera/Queensryche/Judas Priest/seattle metal , is remarkable. I saw them live in Headway 2004 and they absolutely killed!
You should check out John's ex band named Deceptor (Greek band, as he is Greek) , where he played power metal (with few thrash metal moments) heavily influenced by Queensryche, and reminded stuff like Lethal.
both of the bands are cool as fuck.i stayed up drinking with the boys till 5am after the gig,just talking about stuff-the industry and people in it,gigs etc.

fangface-fourwaykill come from the uk,they've just released a mini album called 24 hours to die.
they have a new,aggressive sound.really ballsy metal,fast and driven.i like it a lot.cant really think of a comparison.metal dog may be a little more descriptive if you ask her nicely.

both bands were just excellent.full on music and skillfully executed with no ego attatched.fkin awsome.nuff said.
Both bands sound like something I need to investigate, thanks Baldy.

Bryant -> Lance King is not singing for Balance Of Power anymore? Is the new guy as good as Lance was?
baldyboy said:
fangface-fourwaykill come from the uk,they've just released a mini album called 24 hours to die.
they have a new,aggressive sound.really ballsy metal,fast and driven.i like it a lot.cant really think of a comparison.metal dog may be a little more descriptive if you ask her nicely.
You gotta ask nicely though else this dog might just bite your ankles :lol:
But seriously check out media section to hear some samples of their stuff. You wont regret it
Greeno said:
Both bands sound like something I need to investigate, thanks Baldy.

Bryant -> Lance King is not singing for Balance Of Power anymore? Is the new guy as good as Lance was?

Lance is history with BOP. The new singer John K. also of Biomechanical, is very good but the band has changed their style and are a little more aggressive in their approach. I like both versions of the band equally, but they are two different monsters. The name of the newest disc is "Heathen Machine."

John left BOP. He was to sing only in "Heathen Machine". If you like Lance King's voice that much , you should check (if not already) his other band: Defyance who play power/prog metal influenced by Fates Warning. I like his singing there more than BOP
IOfTheStorm said:
John left BOP. He was to sing only in "Heathen Machine". If you like Lance King's voice that much , you should check (if not already) his other band: Defyance who play power/prog metal influenced by Fates Warning. I like his singing there more than BOP

Cool, thanks. I'll keep an eye open for Defyance.
IOfTheStorm said:
John left BOP. He was to sing only in "Heathen Machine". If you like Lance King's voice that much , you should check (if not already) his other band: Defyance who play power/prog metal influenced by Fates Warning. I like his singing there more than BOP

According to the BOP official website John K. is a full-time member, but I don't keep up too much with what is going on with them as they aren't touring The States. : /

when i spoke to him the other night,i must admit that i got the impression that john k was still in bop.hopefully fourwaykill and biomechanical are gonna come down my way in the next few months and gig with us,so i'll ask him when i see him next.