Biomechanical Guitar Tabs


Nov 25, 2004
For those of us who are far too unskilled/lazy to learn how to play Biomechanical songs....We need Tabs...Or better yet tabs in Guitar Pro (you know the one where it plays you a midi tune so that everything sounds like it should be in Golden Axe).

Pretty Please....Pretty please with a virgin's cherry on top...I'd like to request The Awakening....especially the solo...more widdly goodness than a room full of sex starved, homosexual, japanese businessmen could handle.

But don't worry. I'm not gonna rip you off...or worse form a tribute band.


Biomechanicalish :loco:

Rofocale said:
For those of us who are far too unskilled/lazy to learn how to play Biomechanical songs....We need Tabs...Or better yet tabs in Guitar Pro (you know the one where it plays you a midi tune so that everything sounds like it should be in Golden Axe).

Pretty Please....Pretty please with a virgin's cherry on top...I'd like to request The Awakening....especially the solo...more widdly goodness than a room full of sex starved, homosexual, japanese businessmen could handle.

But don't worry. I'm not gonna rip you off...or worse form a tribute band.


Biomechanicalish :loco:



I'll ask Chris and Jamie if they are going to do any tabs!

How about a Biomechanical tribute band made up of sex starved, homosexual, japanese businessmen! Now I'd like to see that :grin:

The problem is that knowing the way Japan works....There probably already is such a tribute band...scary.
Chris said he would do the guitar tab for the solo on 'The Awakening' for you!
He'll do it in Guitar Pro format so you can play along :)
I'll let you know when it's available!
dead6skin6mask6 said:
haha if he has way too much time, he'd tab EVERY Biomechanical song


Yeah I think Chris would have gone :yow: if I had asked him to do the whole of 'The Awakening' let alone the whole album :grin:
Well I've just been told that Chris is going to do the guitar tab for the whole track of 'The Awakening' :Spin:
Wow that is fantastic! Much thanks to Chris and the rest of the band. I'm so looking forward to blasting that solo to my bloody hiphop carzed neighbours...Let them eat metal!

Once again thanks I now how long it takes to put things down in GuitarPro and it's soooo appreciated. Cheers Existenz for the prompt feedback.
Existenz said:
Well I've just been told that Chris is going to do the guitar tab for the whole track of 'The Awakening' :Spin:

ahaha nice! and btw, there was no possible way that ANY response other than that would be as funny to followup your last post :tickled:
dead6skin6mask6 said:
ahaha nice! and btw, there was no possible way that ANY response other than that would be as funny to followup your last post :tickled:

I know! :tickled:
I wondered when someone would pick up on that!