Empiricism Bass and Guitar Tabs

Fiery Vortex

A Presence Very Ominous
May 1, 2004
In a Slave New World...
Hello everyone!

I'm looking for the bass and guitar tabs from Empiricism. I'm a music studente for a couple of years, and Borknagar was and still is my greatest inspiration for music. So, I'm here to ask if anyone got any tabs from Empiricism. And, yes, I already have searched most of internet and found only "The Genuine Pulse" and "The View of Everlast" tabs, made by fans.

Hehehe, I don't think that it's illegal to ask for this?? So, please, if Øystein, Mr. V, Tyr, Asgeir, or anyone can help, man, I'd die before I could even repay the kindness.

Thank you all!
yeah, i'd like to say the same... i desperate want to play older stuff like the Universal or A tale of pagan tongue but it's really hard to figure out exactly the same riffs, bass lines and keys.. it would be really great if there will be more (old) borknagar tabs :>
Tyr's bass guitar lines (notation and tabs) for Genuine Pulse and one other tune were (the title escapes me) were transcribed by Tyr and were on the band's website before it was updated for the release of Epic, if memory serves me correct.

I have them printed up, but I don't remember where I put them. :waah:
Erik Tiwaz said:
Basstabs only.

Tabs and notation, Sir. :kickass: (The sight-reading snob in me disregards tablature and has refused to use it since learning how to read many moons ago...)

Thanks! :notworthy