Biomechanical last night (30/10/04)

Peter Day

Oct 14, 2001
Ickleford. Hitchin.UK
Hi all,

last nights gig was awesome.
The 'Mechs bashed out a full force metal show, ow my neck hurts from all that headbanging. The new songs sound awesome, and can't wait for the new album.
But even more impressive for me was seeing Head On.
anyone seen them yet?
What a surprise. I had never heard them before, seen the name written about in mags etc but not seen live.
Wow was i taken aback, heavy as hell, very good sound (for first support at Underworld that is damn good going! Lakis will agree with that) and as tight as any band i've witnessed.
Check them out people. I have a sneaky feeling we may see them at Bloodstock in the not to distant future. As for there sound they are very much influenced by Pantera/Zakk Wylde/COC and the heavier side of metal, but there is a nice undersound of the southern rock metal sound. Go see for yourselves.
Minor disappointment today, the cd i bought (only a fiver so no big deal) of Head on didn't play, nowt on it as far as three cd players tell me.. :confused: .....oh well hopefully my nice e-mail to the guys will see a replacement.

Anyone else got any new bands to tell about?

catch up with all soon.