Biomechanical Pull Out Of Sikth Tour


Nov 12, 2004
Really sorry to say that Biomechanical have unfortunately had to pull out of the Sikth tour at short notice.

This is due to a fire that broke out in the recording studio last week, Leading to the mixing being postponed, which sadly has been rescheduled at the same time as the Sikth tour leaving Biomechanical no option but to pull out of the tour.

Biomechanical, are extremely sorry to disappoint any fans and would like to apologise to Sikth who picked the band personally.
As much as this sucks for me, coming from Ireland just to see them play in Glasgow, I understand and respect this sudden pull out from the tour.

:headbang: All the best to the band.
As much as this sucks for me, coming from Ireland just to see them play in Glasgow, I understand and respect this sudden pull out from the tour.

:headbang: All the best to the band.

I hope you had a great time:headbang:
I hope you had a great time:headbang:

Well I was at the show, and my camera was taken....Apparently they thought I was the photographer for the night, so I got no photos. :lol: Least I got it back though after the show (would of thought I'd be able to use it though, but oh well, that's what I get for having a big ass camera). Sikth were awesome though.
Well I was at the show, and my camera was taken....Apparently they thought I was the photographer for the night, so I got no photos. :lol: Least I got it back though after the show (would of thought I'd be able to use it though, but oh well, that's what I get for having a big ass camera). Sikth were awesome though.

I can understand not wanting video camcorders at gigs but normal cameras I don't see the problem with even if they are big ass :D
I can understand not wanting video camcorders at gigs but normal cameras I don't see the problem with even if they are big ass :D

There's something about a big, good quality, photographer type camera (mine's a fuji s9600, 9mil pix with x10.7 optical zoom) that isn't allowed to be used at concerts, unless you got a photo pass. I'm certain it's to do with making your own t-shirts with the photos you get, and selling them off or something. Even at a distance, my cam would be able to get great shots. It's my guess though as to why I wasn't able to use it.

Though I'm not a guy who would make t-shirts out of photos, as long as Biomech play at the Voodoo in Ireland, I can use my camera easily. They don't do photo pass'. :lol:

There was a photographer at the show using a video camera. He wasn't told off by the security. It made me wonder how was he able to one.