Birch Hill Show


Oct 16, 2002
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We just got home from Birch Hill....Wow it was an incredible show. The club was packed. Here's the set:

Sea of Lies
King of Terrors
Church of the Machine
Smoke and Mirrors
Of Sins and Shadows

Enjoy the VA show...sure wish we were going!
Post your thoughts about the show here.
Yeah that show last night was UNREAL. I had the pleasure of meeting some fellow forumers (Pharoah and his family, Stardust2112, and MandaX) so that was fun. I got there really early, actually only me and this other BG fan were there for a while until Pharoah showed up. I met Hansi walking in to soundcheck, which really isnt the coolest time to try to meet the guys since theyre usually in a hurry then, but Hansi was awsome and took his time to say hi to us and take some pictures :). Unfortunately, I wasnt staying around for BG tonight, as I wanted to try to meet up with Romeo after show to get some of my SyX transcriptions to him, which meant leaving the venue after their set, and since there was no re-entry I missed BG last night :( though I am seeing them again in NYC so its not that bad. The opening band was HORRIBLE some shit local nu metal band called Judge Drain. Why they couldnt skip these stupid openers and just let SyX have a longer set is beyond me. Anyway, I was right against the fence in front of Romeo and he completely floored me. I was kinda depressed after the show cause I felt like I suck so much after seeing him LOL but in a good way, because its more inspiration for me to practice. He got rid of the Pod Pro and is using a Vetta head. GREAT sound out of that thing, I was really impressed. RUSSEL!! Holy shit!!! This guy totally makes the band what they are live. He is bar none the best frontman of any band Ive ever seen. The others feed off of him so much and the interaction (especially the call and response thing he did with Romeo in Wicked!) is outstanding. Best fucking show ever.
Reply to Yngvai X: Hi to you from me and the "fam"!...was hoping to see a post from you today. You said it ALL, it was just amazing. We were all hanging the rail beside you in front of Romeo....well, there are just no words to describe this man's talents (the others too).

Halfway thru the show, I got this thumbs up from Ralph (BG fan who had never heard SymX) and knew that he just became a fan! I was only hoping to ask him before we left to be sure and post the photo you took. What is his BG Forum name? I missed it. Enjoy the Angra show tonite, you lucky kid. That tab work you did is IMPRESSIVE! We're gonna check out your MP3s.

I think I need a Chiropractor! :D

What a show, huh? It's about time a band from Jersey plays Birch Hill. :) I was in the photo pit for most of the show and I got a lot of shots of Russ whipping the crowd into a frenzy. Hopefully, I can get them scanned by a friend soon since my hard drive took a sh*t.

Looking forward to the show at The World. Wait til you guys see this place.:spin:
