Birmingham Show - 17/3 - Post Your Thoughts


New Metal Member
May 31, 2002
Solihull, England
Second time seeing Opeth in the same venue. I got there at 5:30 for absolutely no reason apart from me and a friend are cunts and don’t have any time management skills, therefore we got their way too early.
Looking around in the queue, I saw some familiar faces from last year, but lots of weird looking fans who didnt look like they should like Opeth, but who am i to judge?

Madder Mortem came on stage around 8:00. Singer wearing a short skirt and kept bending down :yuk: Would have been better if Arch Enemy had been supporting again...(Angela :grin: ) Music was quite boring. Song structure was awful, vocals were good and so were the harmonies. They need work though, the whole thing sounded much to 'stop-start-top' (if you know what I mean).

By the end of Madder Mortem's set the venue had filled up, more so then last May. I was at the front, which I quite enjoyed as I was trying to see what Opeth were playing. Anyhow, at 9:20 Opeth came onstage, and performed a rippppppppping rendition of The Leper Affinity. Much heavier then on the album, I think the drums had been re-worked and the song had a faster beat to it. Performed flawlessly, A+.

Next was Advent. Love this song; Morningrise is my favourite album along with Still life. Again, performed well with new drumbeats in places to 'bulk' the song up. Opeth were on fire.

They also played (not in the right order) Deliverance, Serenity Painted Death, Harvest, The Drapery Falls, A Fair Judgement and Godheads Lament.

Godheads Lament and Serenity Painted Death were my personal favourites. I’m not too keen on the new album, its good, but with songs like Deliverance it sounds too much like Meshuggah in places, but not as good as Meshuggah (if you haven’t heard this band, go get Chaospehere!!!) Godheads Lament was amazing, as usual, with most of the audience singing along. Serenity Painted Death, was, well, just :OMG: :OMG: :OMG: I had waited 4 years to hear this song live and it was well worth it. Fucking Amazing :notworthy

Opeth seemed much more energetic onstage a BIG improvement on last year were it seemed someone had super glued them onstage. My only disappointment was the masses of moronic blatant 'newbie' fans. These bastards were constantly screaming through every song, and it really was pissing me off, and they way most of the audience shouted out for songs off Deliverance when you have a whole back catalogue of great Opeth material was just plain annoying.

Therefore - Opeth get the usual 10/10
The new fans - Fuck You for ruining the show :bah: Scumfucks
There were about twice as many people there last night compared to when they played last year, I recognised quite a few people. They played excellent better than last time I think. I quite liked Madder Mortem, and was dissapointed they sold out of their latest album...

The only thing I can complain about was the price of beer, and the amount of dicks moshing through the quieter parts, it didnt bother me in the heavy parts, although it did look like 1 person had turned up just to cause trouble and spoilt it in some places.
there are some people like that.. i dont like people who wear spikes all over the place then try and get to the front, just annoying :/

im of the opinion that deliverance sounds fucking amazing when played live, but im not to keen listening to the album. id love to hear masters apprentices one day.
ChrisEmerson said:
im of the opinion that deliverance sounds fucking amazing when played live
Agreed, especially the extended instrumental at the end!! It's starting to turn out to be one of my favorite songs by them. Of course, it doesn't compare to when Opeth plays "Demon of the Fall" live... the audience went fucking insane when they played it as an encore at Irving Plaza in NYC a two months ago... :heh:
Venue was too packed. I too saw some familar faces, some people even said hi to me, quite suprising considering it was May last year that they saw me.

The cunts moshing just ruin it. Even in the heavy parts, Opeth IS NOT moshing music, moshing just wrecks concerts.
Headbanging - Yes
Slam Pits - Yes (On the heavy parts only though!)
Too many fickle wannabe sheep there though.

I agree... the new stuff did sound quite nice, much better live then off the album. Im beginning to like Deliverance now :grin:

Beer, way too expensive. I just got drunk in a pub before hand, after all, it was St. Paddys day, beer was cheap and effective. Looking forward to Damnation now...
What happened to the cunt that started the pit? First half of the show I thought he was going to beat up some kid for starting a pit, then the second half he started a non stop pit that was pissing everyone off. He seemed to have disappeared for the last third of the show however.

Oh and when I finally got the front I realised that the front two rows were actually standing on a step up to the stage. This was why the front two rows seemed to be 8 foot tall and blocked many peoples view. No show ruiner but it was a pest.
He had really short hair and kind of a puffy jacket, didn't catch the colour other than dark. He looked like he had come out of a pub, seen all the metalheads going into BA and thought he'd go in to get more drunk and cause trouble. He looked totally out of place.

The guys behind me said they were going to hit him in the face with a pipe next time he came near, and then he disappeared.
I was wearing a Deliverance shirt, which narrows it down. I have messy shoulder length hair and put my glasses on for Opeth.

I brought along two people who didn't look in place either. One with spiked hair and baggy blue jeans who I think really enjoyed it as much as me (being a drummer himself he loves it), and my other friend was wearing a fleese and something. He stood stiff during the first couple of songs and then I got dragged forwards and didn't see him until the end. You're more likely to have remembered on of these two than me.