Opeth in Groningen, Holland


May 12, 2001
Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Hello everybody,

saturday evening I saw Opeth in Groningen...and it was amazing!
The setlist was:

1. The Leper Affinity
2. Advent
3. Godheads Lament :rock:
4. Deliverance
5. The Drapery Falls
6. Credence
7. Serenity Painted Death
8. A fair judgement
9. Demon of the fall

Damn, they were reaaaaaaaally amazing. The crowd went nuts...including me especially when they played Godheads Lament.

Was anybody there of this forum?
i was there! I saw you! I was standing to the right of you! I was with my (blonde) girlfriend. Me with BWP hooded sweater, short hair, goatie. It was amazing! I met them in town! Peter is SO cool!
Yeah, I saw you too, you were banging your head pretty intensively also...:)
So you met Peter in town? Damn, I went home after the show...if i had knew this...
Will you go to the show in Utrecht? I would love to go, but I can't cause I don't have a car..:waah:
Utrecht? I'll be there with some friends... damn, I'm really looking forward to see them live for the 3th time! \m/
Why's that Demiana?

Jos... are you a hot woman? Or a leather-clad 800 pount wrestler who is into Viking metal? It would be cool if we could meet up anyway. I can't seem to find anyone to come with me; even those who swear their lives upon metal have turned me down. Heh, go figure.